No on Prop. 92 Campaign Update

Here is an update from the folks at the No on Prop. 92 campaign:

Opposition to Proposition 92 continues to grow. Over the past week, community groups and leaders, chambers of commerce, taxpayer groups, elected officials, and newspapers have all expressed their opposition to this damaging initiative. We all support community colleges, but Prop. 92 is just not the way to go and should be defeated on February 5th.

California Budget Project Says Prop. 92 Could Reduce Funds for Health Care, Housing and Human Services

The California Budget Project (CBP), a nonpartisan organization, providing independent analysis to help improve the lives of low- and middle-income Californians, recently released a new report entitled, “What Would Proposition 92 Mean for California.”

In this report, CBP, which neither supports nor opposes Proposition 92, points out just some of the many problems with this measure:

  • It “could reduce the funds available for programs such as health care, housing, and human services, as well as the remainder of higher education, including student aid, the California State University, and the University of California.”
  • “Proposition 92’s enrollment growth factor generally overstates changes in community college enrollment.”
  • Proposition 92 “would represent only a 1.0 percent reduction in the amount community college students who live off-campus pay, on average, for the cost of their education and living expenses.”

To read more about what the California Budget Project had to say about Prop. 92, click here.

14 Newspapers Editorialize Against Prop 92!

Major daily newspapers throughout California have editorialized against Prop 92 over the past few weeks, including the:

  • Los Angeles Times
  • San Jose Mercury News
  • Sacramento Bee
  • San Diego Union Tribune
  • San Francisco Chronicle
  • Bakersfield Californian
  • Orange County Register
  • Riverside Press Enterprise
  • Long Beach Press-Telegram
  • Tracy Press
  • Torrance Daily Breeze
  • Marysville Appeals-Democrat
  • Modesto Bee
  • Santa Rosa Press Democrat

The Los Angeles Times also published a great editorial on January 7, 2008: “Proposition 92 promises California’s community colleges a stable funding source while lowering student fees. What could be wrong with that? A lot. Community colleges certainly need more money, but Proposition 92 would lock the state into spending hundreds of millions of additional dollars that it doesn’t have. Lawmakers would have no choice but to rob other higher education programs to meet the new spending commitment. This initiative represents the worst form of ballot-box budgeting, and voters should reject it.”

To view these editorials simply check out our newsroom.

Opposition to Prop. 92 Just Keeps Growing

As more organizations and individuals learn about the damaging impacts of Proposition 92, they have joined in opposition to the measure, including:

  • Dominic Caserta, Santa Clara City Council
  • Chico Service Center Council
  • North Orange County Legislative Alliance (NOCLA) representing the Brea, Fullerton, La Habra, Placentia and Yorba Linda Chambers
  • Ventura County Taxpayers Association
  • Orange County Taxpayers Association
  • City Watch, Inc.
  • Ventura County Economic Development Association
  • Cerritos Regional Chamber of Commerce
  • Modesto Chamber of Commerce
  • Gateway Chambers Alliance
  • Salinas Chamber of Commerce
  • Regional Chamber Legislative Alliance (RLA) of Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties
  • Linda Jones, board member, Westside Union School District
  • Jerry Hill, Supervisor, San Mateo County
  • Fullerton Chamber of Commerce
  • Inglewood Branch of the NAACP
  • Oakland Branch of the NAACP
  • William Zeigler, President of the Monterey Branch of the NAACP
  • Ken Nelson, President of the Richmond Branch of the NAACP
  • Rick Callender, President of the San Jose/Silicone Valley Branch of the NAACP
  • Valerie Brown, Supervisor, Sonoma County

Check out our complete endorsement list.

No on Prop. 92 Campaign Making News

Mary Gill has worked in higher education in California for 35 years, including serving as statewide coordinator of financial aid for the community colleges and the statewide dean in charge of financial aid, transfer, matriculation, admissions, outreach and health services. In a recent opinion piece published in the San Jose Mercury News, Mary stated:

“Proposition 92 forces the state to spend money it does not have, jeopardizes other critical parts of the state budget, includes no accountability, makes false promises about college affordability, and does nothing to help low-income families and students. California could be well-served by a rational and comprehensive plan for governing and financing its highly valuable community colleges but, sadly, Proposition 92 is not such a plan.”

Check out Mary Gill’s entire commentary.

Don’t Forget – You Can Help Defeat Prop. 92 In Many Ways

Our website includes many tools that can help spread the word about why Prop. 92 is not what it seems and should be defeated. Here are just a few things you can do to help:

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.