I just about fell out of my chair when I read over at Total Buzz that failed GOP politician Ken Maddox now has a hankering to be the new Sheriff of Orange County! Are you kidding me? This guy was a DARE cop. Maddox put on DARE puppet shows at elementary schools. What the Hell does he know about policing? What a ridiculous joke!
And check out what Maddox had to say for himself:
LOL Maddox is a right winger???? Art, if he supported the PLA…how can he be?
You missed the point. He is a social conservative but a fiscal idiot. He is pro life, anti gay, anti immigrant and pro union. What a mess!
lol. Art I agree with you.
I doubt he is working the front office. Maddox was a long time peace officer. I recall not everyone agreeing with him but you would be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t think he is a man of integrity.
Ken has always been “the helpful
type”. We like Ken, as he has
always been open to at least listening to us. That self effacing, kindness…is a very
attractive quality. Ken’s background would have to be vetted
carefully….if he were to throw
his hat into the ring for Sheriff.
Ken will need lots of political
cover to get into this game!
Well when he was in the legislature I remember complaints that he was too liberal. What are you using to base your judgement that he is a “right-winger” and anti Latino? He’s more of a middle of the road guy in my eyes.
After reading the OC Weekly, I doubt that Maddox’s former staffer will help her former boss on getting the Sheriff’s job.
As usually, your comments aren’t exactly fair.
I seem to remember a story about Ken apphrending a bank robber, while volunteering as a reserve when he was a State Assemblyman.
Calling him out on his PLA vote. That is fair.
Suggesting that the only thing he did (if he ever did) was DARE puppet shows, is not.
I earnestly believe Spitzer wants this job and is trying for it. Did you notice the article in the paper with his photo regarding his calling for an audit of the State Department of Corrections parole decision documentation? The timing of this article is not a coincidence. Look for more Spitzer PR efforts as the “search” for the new Sheriff in town heats up.
Anon at 3:19 – Hell I want the job – who wouldn’t?
Tim Whitacre for Sheriff!
I believe Tim is an upstanding gentleman who has served his country very respectfully in the Marines. He is a strict conservative and wants to go after the bad knuckleheads in this county.
Screw Bill Hunt. I want Tim Whitacre for OC Sheriff.
#11, are you nuts? I’m not even going to debate that issue with you. Whitacre wouldn’t even be considered for Dogcatcher, much less OC Sheriff.