This item came to me from a pajarito in Fullerton:
The Fullerton City Council and Fullerton Redevelopment Agency will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 29, to discuss the city’s affordable housing policies. The meeting, which is open to the public, will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at Fullerton City Hall, 303 W. Commonwealth Ave.
Charles Kovac, redevelopment project manager for the city, said discussion topics will include identifying factors that determine how city/redevelopment housing funds may be spent; identifying resources available for housing assistance; reviewing current policies and projects, and staff recommendations for future efforts.
The public will be able to provide input on the discussion.
Further information about the workshop may be obtained by calling Charles Kovac, redevelopment project manager, at (714) 738-2858, or Linda Morad, housing programs supervisor for the city, at (714) 738-6878.
Information may also be obtained by calling the Fullerton City Clerk’s Office at (714) 738-6350.
Kudos to the folks on Fullerton City Council and in the Fullerton City Hall for engaging in the sort of open government that we are so lacking in “Orange County’s Downtown,” Santa Ana, where our city leaders spend a lot of time trying to get rid of our affordable housing!
Open the doors the Poverty Pimps are on the way !! Any free food for the
unwashed ??
Poverty Pimps!
I luv it!
“Watch out Fullerton…
here they come!”