During last year’s Santa Ana City Council elections, Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido and his allies, including Santa Ana School Board Member Rosie Avila, ripped Sal Tinajero mercilessly in mailers that had to be seen to be believed.
We defended Sal here on the Orange Juice Blog. Claudio Gallegos did. Luis Rodriguez did, and then did it again. And I defended Sal too.
The attacks blamed Sal for the failure of the SAUSD School Board, which he sat on before he moved on to the City Council. They compared him to Nativo Lopez, who was recalled from that School Board.
Rosie Avila was quoted on one mailer, “If you know what I know about Sal Tinajero…You wouldn’t vote for him either.” The mailer also said “Sal Tinajero was bad for our schools-he’ll be worse for the city hall.”
Now that Sal has shown his true colors by dumping Thomas Gordon from the EPIC/Gang Commission; by not supporting the televising of all the Santa Ana City Council meetings; by allying with Claudia Alvarez; and by voting to spend $150,000 of taxpayer funds to put Measure D on the ballot, so Alvarez and the rest of the Council Members can run for a third term, I can only wonder if Sal’s opponents were right about him? It would appear that Sal is a major disaster!
Well, don’t blame me. I voted for George Collins last year. Perhaps we just need to recall Sal and get him off the City Council.
“We defended Sal here on the Orange Juice Blog. Claudio Gallegos did. Luis Rodriguez did, and then did it again. And I defended Sal too.”
Art, this is a good example which shows that non of you have any wisdom and are really bad choice to be Santa Ana leaders, because you are all anger driven activists.
The old clich
Poster 1,
It must really drive Pulido nuts that despite his Gore-like IQ he and his henchmen keep getting punked by the Orange Juice bloggers…in the national media no less!
You are not getting it!
It is not about Pulido it is about Santa Ana and OJ blog is simply bad image.
Twice, I was on the board of a corporation which was considering relocating its business to other city so I know what we were looking for.
The publication like OJ blog would put Santa Ana off the list.
That is what is driving Pulido crazy.
You are fighting like Don Quijote de la Mancha. He has become obsessed with books of chivalry, and believes their every word to be true, despite the fact that many of the events in them are (clearly) impossible. Quijote eventually loses his mind from little sleep and food and because of so much reading. He decides to go out as a knight-errant in search of adventure…….
Hey #1,
What are you, his wife or a “special friend”?
Well, nobody really cares who you are anyways.
In every one of my posts before the election, I warned you people about Slimy Sal. Luis can attest to that fact because he and I debated about him and his record several times.
I also wrote, “I told you so” after the backroom deal Slimy Sal cut with Pudrido to get his half-brother Sarmiento selected. In that episode I went back and forth with sycophant side-kick S.Mill.
I knew Slimy Sal and I didn’t vote for him for CC.
I enjoy saying it, but I TOLD YOU SO…
Art, a better response to poster #1 would’ve been: Hey, look at Santa Ana after 20 years of natural wisdom and high IQ… our streets are crap, our schools suck, there’s a gang war in the city, and business development in our town has been marginal at best.
Pulido may be smart and capable, but he hasn’t shown it in his 20+ years of council leadership.
How can you say the Mayor has a High IQ when he is Mexican.
On other posts you have said I and Pedroza have low IQ’s because we are Mexicans.
Also on another post of yours you said all Mexicans are stupid.
So, which is it Fiala. Are we(Mexicans) all stupid or not?
Art, supporting Sal is an example of your obsession with Pulido. Sometimes, the choices opposite of Pulido can actually be worse for Santa Ana. Sal is a great example of that.
I appreciate this humble post where you admit that you and some of your colleagues were wrong about Sal.
Hopefully in the future, you will realize that just being against Pulido does not make one a good candidate.
Mr. Lomeli,
Since you have one of your paranoiac attack and are using my name, I believe, I have right to respond providing that “low IQ Pedroza” will print it.
Please notice that Pulido is about 85% French so he is not Mexican, which is self evident based on his ability to pull himself by the bootstraps.
Like any other politician, Tinajero has done some things that were constructive and good. Some of his fights with Rosie Avila are classic examples of him doing the right thing for students.
However, the general sentiment about Tinajero is dead on – he long ago lost his values and moral compass, and has become a politician for the purposes of being a politician – self serving and without values – like Claudia Alvarez. The name calling loses the credibility of your posts – when you have to hurl epithets and call names to make your point, one questions whether you have a point to make in the first place.
OJ Blog is at a precarious point – teetering upon the very edge which Tinajero fell over and lost himself and his credibility. it seems that Art has lost any sense of vision beyond undermining Pulido and the Council. Sure the council is a lost cause for the most part – Martinez is isolated and the remainder of the council is a sleazy cabal of self serving backslappers. But offer some constructive vision in the midst of it all – don’t just stand against someone, stand for something.
And by the way, Rosie Avila is REALLY scary, and quoting her to make your point makes you seem scary – or desperate for a quote. The disapproval of Rosie Avila is an endorsement until itself for most sane individuals.
“notice that Pulido is about 85% French”
That doesn’t add up. Unless his father is 15% Mexican? How do you figure?
Flaming Cat Democrat, you are right that this new awakening among the activists of Santa Ana must be more than just standing against something, but now stand for something.
Proverbs 29:18 – When there is no vision, the people perish.
Hey #8
Just because somebody eats french fries or french bread does not make one French you moron!
Just like eating hamburgers and apple pie don’t make you American you idiot, these just make you fat and ugly like you are.
The Mayor was born in Mexico. He is therefore Mexican. How can 15% of him be born in Mexico and 85% of him be born in France.
Are you showing off your self labeled superiour European IQ?
So, you believe only non-Mexicans have the ability to pull themselves up by the bootstraps?
Your up front racist mentality is appreciated. People can better undestand your insanity.
“The Mayor was born in Mexico. He is therefore Mexican.”
So Dr. Lomeli, the Mexico provided his DNA?
Stanley (poster 14),
You’re beginning to sound a lot like Hitler.
BTW, isn’t your wife a Mexican? What does that mean for your daughter’s DNA?
Go away Stanley, you are a racist pig.
Now they want us to give them free houses. What next.
Contact Person: Nativo V. Lopez
(714) 423 4800
The Mexican American Political Association (MAPA) denounced as wholly inadequate and patently unfair the proposed foreclosure relief announced by President George W. Bush today. “It is apparent that President Bush is more concerned with saving the behinds of the lenders and investors than the average U.S. homeowner who was preyed upon and now faces economic devastation and dislocation,” stated Nativo V. Lopez, National President of MAPA
Recent reports indicate that 61 percent of the individuals who were put in subprime loans by Wall St. lenders could have qualified for prime loans at much better terms and interest rates. Today, many of these individuals face the prospect of foreclosure due to the recasting of their loans at higher rates, known commonly in the industry as adjustable rate mortgages.
The industry number being thrown around nationally of current homeowners that will be touched by this housing debacle is 2 million. The ripple downward spiral effect on the communities comprised by these homeowners will be horrific. Property values of all local homeowners will be adversely affected.
MAPA takes the position that the non-speculator homeowners should not be blamed for the obvious steering that occurred by industry brokers and real estate agents that put the ARM on these working class communities, and therefore, the homeowners should not bare the brunt of the consequences.
MAPA calls for the following:
1. An immediate freeze for seven years on all loans of non-speculator homeowners, and loan modifications that permit them to obtain a fixed rate 30-year loan based on the initial teaser rate;
2. An immediate moratorium of all foreclosures;
3. Loan modifications for all individuals who have received a notice of default due to non-payment of the mortgage loan;
4. Waive pre-payment penalties;
5. Allow those individuals who have already had their homes foreclosed to return to their residence and obtain a modified loan;
6. Return foreclosed properties back on the housing market at a new valuation based on the 30% to 50% market value decline (due to the foreclosure) as affordable housing for working persons, but managed through nonprofit partners to assure that speculators again do not insert themselves on such an opportunity;
7. Create a federal and state-backed financing mechanism to assist distressed homeowners remain in their homes in that the government must bare part of the responsibility for the housing debacle for not taking measures previously to prevent predatory lending (they were forewarned);
8. Approve federal legislation to permit homeowners to re-negotiate the terms of their loans during bankruptcy proceedings;
Recent reports indicate that there are more notices of default being served on homeowners today then the past twenty years. The federal and state governments bare direct responsibility for this situation due to their refusal to take action previously to curb predatory lending practices. They were repeatedly forewarned by congressional leaders such as Congressman Barney Frank and Congresswoman Maxine Waters during numerous congressional hearings, and by the advocacy efforts of MAPA, the Greenlining Institute and the 60 organizations that comprise the consumer advocacy organization.
Therefore, the Bush administration’s proposed action is wholly insufficient and actually irresponsible. It refuses to assume its share of the responsibility.
In this regard, MAPA calls for federal and state financing to assist distressed homeowners, especially all those homeowners targeted by predatory lending institutions and who were saddled with adjustable rate mortgages.