Thank you to all the volunteers who walked precincts yesterday to oppose Santa Ana’s Measure D! If you missed out yesterday, or want to walk some more today, please come by the campaign office today and pick up more materials.
We will be meeting from 11am – 2 pm, at 415 N. Sycamore Street, in the basement office. OCTA Bus Route 53. We will have fliers and precinct information available for all the volunteers.
There are some people in town saying that this measure is no big deal. They could not be more wrong. If we defeat Measure D, we retire Councilwoman Claudia Alvarez. Furthermore, we send a message to the entire City Council that we will no longer support their ridiculous agenda, which has accomplished nothing this year of any substance.
The Santa Ana Charter Reform Commission found that we needed mayoral term limits. The Council knew this; David Benavides was on this Commission. But instead they gave us Measure D, which EXTENDS Council term limits while offering NO mayoral term limits.
Let’s send them all a message and vote no on Measure D!
I think it is a great idea to have City Council meetings at different locations. It brings city government to the door step of many neighbhorhoods. The LA City Council did this a couple of years ago and it was well received by residents.
I can’t believe you’d oppose this. I’m sure if Michele had suggested it, you’d think it was a great idea.
If you defeat measure D, you also help launch Claudia Alvarez into her next campaign for Supervisor or Assembly.
Be careful what you wish for, because the fallout from a poorly thought out and executed no on measure D campaign might just have some unintended consequences.
Poster 1,
If I thought they were moving these meetings for a good reason, I would support it. They moved the meetings in order to avoid the cameras. We know that for a fact.
Why don’t they televise these meetings too? Instead of putting the meeting on a few people’s doorsteps, they could put them in a lot of people’s homes, on TV, and even more homes via the Internet.
Rest assured, this is no effort to serve the community. It is an effort to hide from the public. It won’t work. I am sure George Collins will be there to film their little field trip. And he will put it up on
Poster 2,
Oh really? How many races has Claudia ALREADY lost? She is a joke. No one takes her seriously. Her own party hates her.
Vote NO on Measure D and finish off Clownia forever!
Although it is clear that you are a shrill for Michele in the same way that Sean is for Sal, I fully support your effort to beat Measure D or what has otherwise come to be known as the full employment act for Claudia Alvarez.
Claudia, by this measure, proves that she will do anything to remain remain politically relevant. She was even willing to eliminate mayoral term limits (even though she had supported it in the past) in exchange for the Mayor’s agreement to raise funds for this sham. She used to criticize the mayor, but now that she needs his fundraising machine, she’s voting lock step with him.
I’ll be voting NO on Measure D. In the event it passes, I will not cast my vote for Claudia when she runs for a Third Term.
Clownia: The most inarticulate, perhaps even illiterate person in political office in Orange County.
Anonymous 1,
I used to work for an LA City Councilmember and the way the Santa Ana City COuncil and the LA City Council did their in district meetings is apples and oranges.
The LA City Council went out of their way to issue a press release and make the meeting as known to the public as possible. And they would hold it at a known landmark within a council district. THen, here is the clincher, THEY WOULD TELEVISE THE MEETING! How revolutionary.
I have not seen one public announcment that the COuncil is holding the meeting in a specific ward. No outreach to the public. It is being held in some obscure location no one can find and here is the clincher, THEY ARE NOT TELEVISING THE MEETING!