The family of a gang violence victim in Santa Ana will hold a vigil tomorrow, at 7 p.m., at the location he was found in, according to the O.C. Register. Here are a few excerpts from the Register’s article:
Gilbert Rivera was shot on Nov. 11 and left lying on the sidewalk at 923 W. Chestnut Avenue. He died the next day from gunshot wounds to the head at Western Medical Center
And when everybody is done marching around the neighborhood, hopefully they can truly honor the unfortunate passing of this young man with a march to a televised meeting of the City Council and demand that something be done to stop gang violence in Santa Ana. Gang violence is not just bad for the neighborhoods, it is bad for business as well.
Unfortunately, he WAS involved in a gang.
He should have stayed in the football program back in high school and maybe he would not have been killed in
#2 I know you don’t mean to say the man deserved to be shot. I was at his football games during High School and his Senior Prom,I will be there tomorrow night.
How’s the view from your rarified perch?
The family always defends their own, but in many cases, it turns out they just didn’t realize what their kids were into.
There shouldn’t be marches or vigils to honor gang bangers.
Will half, or even any, of those who attend the vigil attend a City Council meeting and demand that our city’s elected leaders do something to stop this nonsense.
Oh boy, a vigil, that will stop the murders. I’m sure the gangs are shaking in their boots.
I participate in vigils to offer support to the family members,and pray for our city and it’s leaders. To me, it gives a sense of empowerment, that we as a community can stand together and say “enough with the violence!” And if that means going to City Hall, then so be it…I will be there!
During the previous vigils there was a reduction in the murders. Prayer does work!
I don’t care if you have the time to march and it makes you feel good but what drives me nuts is hearing on the news when the gangbangers mom’s always say, “My boy wasn’t in a gang, he left that life and was just turning his life around” Hope springs eternal!
TS @ 12/10/2007 5:14 PM
City Hall is responsible for the gangs? Sure, they should make efforts to do something about it but c’mon. Some of these kids need their dads to kick their asses around the block and they wouldn’t be in gangs. Oh wait, they are probably children of single mothers who don’t know true discipline.
These Problems start in the home. Maybe thats where we should start thinking about fixing them.
The bottom line, we don’t make our youth a priority in the city. When you don’t give them alternatives they only have the choice to be out on the street. Most of the YOUTH in Santa Ana are good kids. We need to focus on the good and not so much on the bad. The bad should be addressed at home, school, and in the community and with the City Council. It seems we only address the youth when they kill one another. We need to address them all the time. We need to wake up and start responding to the needs of the community.
Even kids with every opportunity don’t always make the right choices and end up in gangs.
Let’s hope no one from our city council shows up for this gang banger’s vigil.
Paying tribute to a gang member’s death or the gang lifestyle with vigils like this sends youth the wrong message that there is somehow honor in being down for your boys. As long as kids think this, they will continue to die.
The city leaders need to send a message that there is honor in rising above the gangs and in not being a part of it, and participating in the vigil strips away that message.
Thank You Judge and Jury, may you never need anyone to support you, like this Family does, as long as you live.
Here we go with the candles again. Santa Ana must be the candle burining capital of the world. If burning candles led to safe communities, Santa Ana would already be the safest city in the USA! Where’s the AQMD when we need them?
Wish I knew of this VIGIL Earlier to pass it on to others! Rest in Peace Gilbert!