The Total Buzz blog posted an item yesterday about a new series or articles regarding the 10 Vietnamese American politicians in Orange County. The articles are by Anh Do. “Do is editor of Nguoi Viet 2, the English section of Nguoi Viet Daily News based in Westminster, and Asian affairs columnist for the Register.”
The current article is about Westminster C0uncilman Andy Quach. If you are looking for an objective look at this guy, sorry, this article does not hit the target. Do does not ask even one hard question of Quach.
There is one inadvertently funny bit, “And so goes his talk, delivered with the help of companion Roxanne Chow, who has experience working on the city
Sounds like you are quite biased in your opinion of Quach. It sounds like you have something personal against this guy and I think there’s also bit of envy… so what if the Planning Commissioner is his girlfriend? Everyone knows that including the government of VietNam
I’ve worked for several cities in this County and know for sure that it’s PERFECTLY LEGAL for a council member to appoint his girlfriend to the job as long as she CAN do the job. I am currently a County employee and do know what I am saying!!!