I resign – now it’s time to defeat Measure D!

I decided today to resign from the Santa Ana Housing & Redevelopment Commission, effective immediately. I am doing this as a protest against what the Santa Ana City Council did to my co-blogger, Thomas Gordon, last night.

Also, I am disgusted at how the Santa Ana City Council treated the many citizens who showed up to ask that Thomas be allowed to continue to serve on the EPIC/Gang Commission. I was so proud of everyone that spoke at the meeting. Many of the speakers, including Julie Stroud, really bared their souls. And the Council ignored them. They voted 6-1 to remove Thomas, without ANY debate. They clearly do not respect the people of Santa Ana.

Furthermore, it was utterly dismaying to hear the lame arguments offered by Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido, and Council Members Claudia Alvarez and Vince Sarmiento with regard to televising all of the Council meetings.

I don’t want to be a part of this city government anymore. I will now focus my efforts on defeating Measure D – and ending “Clownia’s” political career. If you are interested in donating to the “No on Measure D” campaign, please email me your contact information. Also, let me know if you can help with precinct walking. The campaign starts this weekend! Councilwoman Michele Martinez has already pledged $1,000 to the effort!

I am not the only one who was sickened by the Pulido cabal. Matt/Jubal Cunningham, the editor of Red-County/OC Blog, wrote an amazing post excoriating them for not even having the huevos to vote on Councilwoman Michele Martinez’ agenda item regarding the televising of ALL the Council meetings. Here are a few excerpts from Matt’s article:

I really am astounded at the contempt Santa Ana councilmembers — with the bright exception of Michele Martinez — apparently hold their constituents.

To refresh readers memories, Martinez wants the council to televise every council meeting live on cable and over the internet, and archive meeting videos for five years in an online searchable database.

Her motion died for lack of a second — which conveniently spares the following councilmembers from having to go on record against making council actions more open and available to the people whose votes they ask for and hose taxes they spend:

Mayor Miguel Pulido
Mayor Pro Tem Claudia Alvarez
Councilman Sal Tinajero
Councilman Carlos Bustamante
Councilman Vince Sarmiento
Councilman David Benavides

If these councilmembers don’t want their constituents to have a video record of their actions, at least have the intestinal fortitude to second the motion and go on record against it.

The reasons these six councilmembers advanced aren’t laughable. They’re pathetic.

Well said Matt! Be sure to read the rest of Matt’s post as it takes Pulido, Sarmiento and Alvarez to task for their inane comments against Michele’s agenda item.

The Life at the Santiago Street Lofts blog also weighed in on the removal of Thomas from the EPIC/Gang Commission. Here are a few excerpts from their article:

So my friend Thomas Gordon had no chance with the ringleaders of the circus we call city hall. The immediate 6-1 vote in favor of Thomas

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.