Dana Point voters not wild about Diane Harkey

A New Poll of registered voters in Dana Point indicates Councilmember Diane Harkey is highly disliked in Dana Point. Harkey’s high “negatives” among Dana Point voters suggest she would have trouble winning a future election in the city.

The major finding of the poll is that almost 30% of Dana Point voters have an “unfavorable” opinion of Harkey.

After establishing unbiased opinions on Harkey, the poll then asked if voters had ever heard of the Harkey family’s business having tax liens. 41.5% of voters had heard of the liens, and 58.5% had not. When asked if the 14 tax liens would affect voter attitudes of Harkey, 46.5% of voters stated they would definitely affect their opinion of her. The fact that almost 50% of voters state their opinion would be affected on learning of the tax liens suggests that voter’s negative opinion of Harkey would sharply increase above 30% in Dana Point if the issue became the subject of an election campaign.

For more information on Diane Harkey, please visit this link.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.