Nothing is easy when it comes to Mission Viejo politics. And last night’s city council meeting was no exception. Although some might believe in a rotation between the five council members to sit in the center chair as mayor that simply has become the exception rather than the rule. I think back to the days when we had a “party of three” rotating the top two positions among themselves. Council members Bill Craycraft, Susan Withrow and Sherri Butterfield locked out the newer members until we chased them from office. Did their departure lead to civility? Are we better off today now that they are gone? I’ll let you decide.
Last night’s selection of Mission Viejo’s mayor and mayor pro-tem warrant some background.
In 2006 councilman Frank Ury was actively supporting three newcomers who were first, second, and third on the ballot. During that city council campaign he said he wanted to dump the three incumbent members up for re-election. Well, folks. It didn’t happen. All three of those he chose to support went down in defeat. I must admit that I took an active role in that election and supported at least one member who came very close to upsetting incumbent Lance MacLean. A last minute campaign donation to the incumbents by southern CA Edison may have made the difference in the final outcome where we lost by less than 100 votes.
Fast forward to last night where late in the Agenda was the item dealing with the selection of next year’s mayor and mayor pro tem. Mayor Gail Reavis recommended that John Paul Ledesma, mayor pro tem, be elevated to the center seat as we rotate the mayor and vice mayor every January. Considering he currently serves as mayor pro tem it sounds reasonable to me but not with this friendly group. John Paul seconded Mayor Reavis’s nomination which was immediately followed by councilman MacLean nominating Frank Ury for mayor. Yes, the same Frank Ury who actively worked to dump Lance, Trish Kelley and John Paul Ledesma in 2006.
Gail than proceeded to share the history of JP’s first election in 1998 and “the election of Trish and Lance in 2002 where they said they wanted to promote rotation.”
She went on to say that “two years ago Mr. Ury worked very hard to get rid of three members on this city council and I would expect no less of him in the next election So…There is a certain amount of respect and camaraderie that has to go on and I think it has to be earned.”
John Paul spoke next pointing out that “I see nothing wrong with me having a second term as mayor” and actually, logically I would have been mayor in 2007 but passed due to time constraints. Paraphrased.
“When it comes to councilman Ury..being quite honest..I simply do not trust him.”
The next to speak was member Ury who stated that “When it comes to trust that is something up to the voters.” He added that “You know I didn’t think we were going to go in the direction of talking about last year and the fact we did is fine. Because while we’re talking about how the campaign went and everything like that there’s a 10,000 pound moose? on the table. “One of our colleagues sued the city for $10 million dollars” at which point mayor Reavis responds saying “liar liar”–it was not a law suit. Frank continued to say that she was hoping to get $10 million dollars from the citizens. Gail again said “it was not a law suit” and that over the past six months she has been paying attorney fees on behalf of two other council members. She charged Frank for his failure to remove lies about her from his web site repeating that “I did not sue the city.”
OK. Let’s vote. First. Gail’s Motion for John Paul to be mayor. Final score 3-2 with Gail and JP voting YES, Frank, Lance and Trish voting NO.
All right, let’s vote on the second Motion made by Lance for Frank Ury to be mayor. While Lance and Frank vote YES, Trish surprises everyone and joins JP and Gail voting NO blocking the appointment.
Seeing that surprising vote Mayor Reavis says: Hey, that’s interesting. All right–I’ll nominate Trish Kelley for mayor which was seconded by Lance. Trish says she will accept the nomination. Gail proceeded to speak highly of Trish adding “I will support her.” The vote was taken with John Paul and Frank voting NO resulting in Trish Kelley being selected as mayor of Mission Viejo for 2008 commencing next month.
The final vote was to select the mayor pro tem Lance nominated Frank Ury which held on a 3-2 with Gail and John Paul voting NO.So much for camaraderie within the ranks. At times I must question the effectiveness of our retaining the services of a facilitator whose main objective was to bring the troops together to better serve our citizens. Not this year.
And that folks is the end of the story. Note: While I attempted to transcribe the commentary from a tape of our televised council meeting you can view and listen to this exchange yourself when it is posted on our city web site. Simply go to the video of Dec 3rd and “Jump to” Agenda Item #32, Election of mayor and mayor pro tem.
As Rodney King said in 1991, “can we all get along.” Not with the lack of trust within this group. We know who the winners are. Let me tell you about the losers. Us. The voters who put them in office.
Email response:
You said it….we are the losers on this one. We now head into another year with this childish behavior and council members whose main goal often seems to be voting against each other rather than voting for what is right for Mission Viejo.
I think instead of hiring a “let’s get along” facilitator this year, we simply need to designate a time out corner in the chambers for their childish behavior.
So who needs the Hollywood writers to come up with laughs, intrigue, and crazy behavior ??
However Mission Viejo is the “Safest City” unless you leave your SUV in the protection of the keystone cops (the Orange County Sheriff) at the Shops of Mission Viejo Mall.
Have a very dysfunctional New Year.
Jack Gladstone
Mission Viejo
Another email reply:
This is by far your greaatest work–bar none.
This council does not get it because they are all so self-absorbed. Two of the most I-I-I, me-me-me council members are now mayor and mayor pro tem.
Over this past year, our council members offered very little debate in support of the public over special interest, yet they debated wildly for their own personal agendas and self-interests, all in the name of the public good.
Did anyone notice how quickly the first two motion makers abandoned their favorite sons? The brown nosing has already begun! I can’t wait for the committee appointments next month. Last year Frank was stripped from all his committees by the mayor. Frank did not vote for the new mayor. Who will be the next book ends?
These are the people that voted Monday night to change the image of the city with a branding campaign to be unveiled at the city’s 20th anniversary because they have been told that the California Promise doesn’t work for them any more. But antenna farms in our city parks are ok.
I think the new city logo should be towers and cell antennas with a broken heart and tears. This council, regardless who is mayor or not, is destroying the uniqueness of our city, one vote at time.
Jack Gladstone, your an ignornat moron. The safest city… and you still bash law enforcement. Go live in St. Louis, mississippi, Las Vegas, or elsewhere,…..then complain… you moron.
Good work/report, Larry. It’s time for new blood in MV City Hall.
Anonymous #5. Those of us who follow Mission Viejo know who you are. Why not add your real identity as a member of our dysfunctional city council?
email reply:
Hi Larry, please post my comment in reply to your article on the OJ Blog.
“I offer one alternate theory to yours Larry. It has become increasingly apparent that it wasn’t Franks intention to boot MacLean out of office. Rather, their mutual camaraderie now evidences Frank’s more probable intention was to have 3 people on the podium whom he thought he could puppeteer into voting his way. I believe he would have been proved wrong. So second best seems to be: forge an alliance with MacLean. That is a Bad political choice.
As a voter, I offer this response to Frank’s comments on trust. Trust is a precious thing Frank. Forgiveness comes easier to voters. A candidate always has the chance to redeem him/herself by understanding mistakes and making good choices.
But voter trust, now that is something more fragile. Once lost, it’s quickly gone and hardly ever regained.
Take MacLean for example. He is easy to trust because he has proven himself consistent and has been openly honest about his contempt for the public citizen. We trust that MacLean will ALWAYS vote against the citizen. And we are always proved right in our trust.
But Frank, as a voter I thought it strange that you sponsored a Wireless Ordinance banning cell towers from parks, but then voted against the same ordinance. Two weeks later, my trust in you went south at the Master Plan hearing. You refused to take all parks off the Master Plan, even when Kelley gave you the chance.
I lost trust in you, when you said, “The Master Plan is only a study, trust that we will take sensitive parks off the list”. You said this to me over the phone, and then you emphasized this in the OC Register.
Yet now we find the entire council was briefed BEFORE the Master Plan hearing that Gilleran was slated for a T-Mobile application. You motioned to keep Gilleran on the plan even though the Gilleran community had handed you petitions and had been just as vocal as the 6 parks which you took off.
We are not un-intelligent Frank. We are not un-aware of what is going on in this city and on the podium. Nor should our trust be taken cheaply and for granted.
Lot’s of things can be said about
members of the City Council of
Mission Viejo…..none of them
include: a lack of ambition!!!!!
Do they all want to be God or
Governor? Who is blowing smoke
up their make them
believe…they should be anything
but useful public servants in
their “fair city”?
Email from our former city manager.
I had heard what happened last night (I simply can’t stomach watching council meetings any more). However, you account was much more colorful. By your own summation, it’s politics as usual. And, I think you’ve answered your own question about are we better off today than before. I would opine that the answer is no. It’s simply politics. Now you understand what I had to deal with behind the scenes at city hall. So far, to Dennis’s benefit, he has not been drawn in like I was. Perhaps its because there is no clear majority. At least I knew where my bread was buttered.
Republican Party support or not, Frank Ury has a big political target on his back. Most predict what happened to his slate in 2006,will happen to him next November.A candidate to run against Ury is activley being recruited. So it looks like Frank will still never be Mayor.
To # 11 – Two of the most politically deceptive council members are up for re-election in 2008, so I hope you can recruit two candidates to replace them both.