Red County, Blue County, what’s the difference?

Is the image above the latest OC GOP newsletter? No, it is just a spoof. Let’s face it, the OC GOP machine is in a tailspin, and they are primed to be made fun of. From disgraced OC Treasurer Chriss Street to indicted OC Sheriff Mike Carona, there are plenty of Republican politicians to poke fun at. Not to mention the debacle that was the “Friends of John Urell” and the disaster that defeating Measure D turned out to be.

One has to wonder why the OC Democrats aren’t piling on. But then again, their Chairman, Frank Barbaro, endorsed Carona. As did many other prominent OC Democrats like State Senator Lou Correa and OC Clerk/Recorder Tom Daly. And Wylie Aitken, the head of the OC Democratic Foundation, is the “Urell Amigos” lawyer! And let us not forget that Nick Berardino, the head of the OC public employees union, and Wayne Quint, who heads up the OC Deputy Sheriff’s union, both fought Measure D, alongside OC GOP machine figurehead John Lewis.

And don’t forget that in Santa Ana, the only Orange County city with an almost all Democratic City Council and a Democratic Mayor, you can’t even tell that the elected Democrats are not Republicans. They did not vote to support the Dream Act. They so despise immigrant workers that they banned human signs and almost banned handbill delivery. They raised water rates such that Santa Ana residents now pay more than the Republicans in Irvine. They won’t let the people vote on mayoral term limits. They are in bed with developers, to the detriment of the city’s residents. And the Democratic Mayor, Miguel Pulido, regularly endorses Republicans, including racist nut and SAUSD Trustee Rosie Avila, OC Sheriff Mike Carona, and OC Supervisorial candidate Carlos “Space Commander” Bustamante.

So in the end a Blue County would not be all that different from a Red County, would it? Same results, different knuckleheads. No wonder so many California voters have switched to “Decline to State. Take a look at the graphic below. Since 1994, Decline to State voters have increased statewide from a little over ten percent of the overall electorate to over 18%! Can’t blame them. I expect that the DTS column will be climbing in Orange County this year too.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.