O.C. Supervisor Janet Nguyen raised $125,000 at a fundraiser held yesterday evening. This is not good news for former State Senator Joe Dunn, who is thought to be leaning towards running against Nguyen next year.
Here is an excerpt from Nguyen’s press release:
The event
We need a another liberal lawyer on the city council like I need 6 more kids!
Especially if that lawyer is only using it as some sort of placeholding for staying in the public view.
The D’s already control this town and you want to give them total control?
Since when is a “statist” management philosophy going to help spend less on burrocrats (sic) and more on substance and promised services?
Or maybe Dunn could run for a power position like “Dog Catcher” – what are you smoking Art?
Wouldn’t it be interesting if Janet beats a second rich white male Democrat? I think the candidate mix will have a huge bearing on who wins. This will be another fair sized field with at least 5 candidates I predict.
Dunn will have no problem to generate many times of $125K Janet raised today. All Democrats and unions are behind Dunn. Some Republicans are even very fond of Dunn.
If anyone thinks $125K is “a substantial war chest”, cited by Dave Gilliard, then wait until the unions jump into the game. Last election, AOCDS alone spent more than few hundred thousand dollars to slam-dunk Carlos Bustamante. They will do the same to Janet Nguyen next June, then more in November 2008.
Anon 1225 said, “wait until the unions jump into the game”
You mean like when they spent tens of thousands in support Umberg on his road to victory!…oh wait..they put in thousands and Umberg got his A** handed to him…..please disregard my first comment.
A bowl of warm spit would be preferable to the current Councilman in Ward 3, Carlos “Space Commander” Bustamante. I will be happy to welcome Dunn in his place. At least Dunn is intelligent and accomplished. The Space Commander has neither of those qualities.
With all this talk about Janet, did anyone forget who controls Central OC. the Democrats. Did anyone ask Congresswoman Sanchez, Senator Correa or Assemblyman Solorio if they want Dunn back?
I saw Judy Ware at Janet’s fundraiser. Since Ware is a favortie target of Shawn Mil shouldnt you withdraw your support of Janet? How can she take such tainted money?
Money is not the problem…in any
regard. No matter what Joe runs
for….he will be successful. He
is no Tom Umberg….and has a strong activist liberal and moderate backing in the county.
Joe has made some mistakes regarding Gun Control and a few
other issues. Political issues
we may add. All he has to do to
win the Supervisor seat from Janet
is to challenge her position on’
Chriss Street and general spending
by the current crop of Supervisors
Still, Joe might be better qualified at the State or Federal
level and will find appropriate
funding…no matter what direction
he takes. “So many choices..so
little time!”
So Janet has sold out to the machine.
Seems like Art’s objectivity and sense of reality has flown out the window. Crowded filed, with vietnamese challenger from camp Van Tran will render Janet with a split field to the right. there will be a huge Anti-Janet movement on the right, and she is not going to get any support for the left or much of the middle. Unless she is going to be handing out “happy endings” to Van Tran and a lot of others, she is going to have her hands full.
Poster 11,
Are you taking hits from a bong? There is no anti-Janet movement from the right. She has the full support of her party now, with the exception of the Trannies – who have their own problems to contend with.
It is only a matter of time before their adviser, Mike Schroeder, ends up in the can with Carona. Without him there will be no more brains in their operation.
As for happy endings, I am sure that the Trannies are involved in massage parlors that deal in those activities. Janet does not involve herself in petty crimes. Remember, Van Tran’s own wife was INDICTED, just like Carona. The Trannies are a sleazy bunch indeed…
Art, I haven’t taken a bong hit since that last batch of Michoacan you shared with me out of your very own water pipe. Time will tell – think you are WAY out on the hallucinogenic fringe on this one. but hey, I guess you have a perfect track record on analysis . . .
You forgot that Carlos Bustamante had a full support from GOP last election, too. And what happened to him?
Poster 14,
I tried to warn the GOP establishment about the Space Commander, but they would not listen. The problem with the Space Commander, I should say problems, is that he is not very bright, to begin with, and he doesn’t appear to have any principles, save for accruing power and money.
On top of that, the Space Commander had only been in office for two years. And he has done NOTHING as a Councilman, except rake in donations from developers.
Supervisor Nguyen, on the hand has impressed everyone with her intelligence and intuition. And she may be the ONLY Supervisor who DID NOT endorse Mike Carona for Sheriff.
The Space Commander spent too much time in zero gravity environments, accordingly he remains a lightweight. His only legacy will be that he will one day be looked at as the very last Republican to serve on the Santa Ana City Council.
Supervisor Nguyen, on the hand, is proving to be a real contender. She, not Van Tran, will one day ascend to Loretta’s seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. Mark my words.
Poster 13,
Well, I was right about the Space Commander tanking last year. And I was right about Janet having a chance to win. My next prediction is that Trung Nguyen will utterly tank next year. And he won’t be reelected to the Garden Grove School Board. He is done and he doesn’t even know it.
You are my man, Art the Prophet (I need to trademark this one first).
Thank you Joe for screwing around and ruining the Democrats chance at taking back the First District. The longer you screw around, the more that Democrats will have to go with garbage candidates like Claudia. If Claudia is the Democratic candidate, I am just simply not going to vote for anybody in that race.