Is this the end of Mike Schroeder too?

Mike “Darth Vader” Schroeder recently picked a fight with OC GOP conservative activist Mark Bucher after the latter asked Van Tran why he was still picking on OC Supervisor Janet Nguyen, via his proxy Trung Nguyen, according to Red-faced County/OC Blog.

Schroeder took Bucher to task for not supporting OC Sheriff Mike Carona last year, but Bucher insisted that he never spoke out against Carona.

The point Bucher was making is correct. It is asinine for Schroeder, Tran and Trung to keep picking on Supervisor Nguyen. They might well hand her seat to a Democrat, such as Joe Dunn.

The point Schroeder made is beyond stupid. Thank God Bucher did not rant and rave about Carona last year! Bucher might be one of the few OC GOP Central Committee members with a good name if indeed he did not jump on the Carona train, which derailed this week after Carona was indicted.

Now that Carona is doomed, how long before the OC GOP kicks Schroeder to the curb? I think the OC GOP is going to hang Carona out to dry. Surely they must be getting tired of Schroeder as well. He really erred by taking on Bucher, who is liked by all.

This won’t work out for Tran and Trung either. Their bitter ongoing attack on Supervisor Nguyen is ridiculous. Most of the OC GOP machine is now backing Supervisor Nguyen. Sooner or later Tran and Trung will be told by the Central Committee to back off or risk losing support from the party. Trung is finished, and Tran will be too if he doesn’t call off his dog.


For pictures of Schroeder’s buddy Carona at the Reagan Federal Courthouse, be sure to check out the OC Weekly’s Navel Gazing Blog, at this link.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.