The O.C. Register reported today that 65 % of the arrests made under the auspices of the City of Costa Mesa’s immigration checking program “involve misdemeanors, most often DUI or vehicle code violations.” “And in an handful of cases, people have been arrested for infractions, such as failing to observe a stop sign or jaywalking.”
As for the rest of the people detained, “possession of a controlled substance are by far the most common serious offense.”
Also, only sixty-six percent of those arrested are Costa Mesa residents, “about 12 percent are from Santa Ana and the rest are from miscellaneous towns.” I am sure that Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido will be happy to hear that! He has proven to be no friend to the immigrants in his city.
I wonder how much the City of Costa Mesa is spending to detain people who have committed misdemeanors and have been found with a joint or two?
“The report will be issued formally during a City Council study session at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday in Conference Room 1A of City Hall, 77 Fair Drive.” I hope Latino activist Benito Acosta and his friends show up! The City of Costa Mesa has also wasted thousands of dollars trying to jail Acosta for speaking against this very measure at a previous City Council meeting.
Well I for one consider DUI & drug possession serious. Someone driving while under the influence can kill innocent others, whether they are here legally or not.
these law breakers drive drunk and art pedroza its only a SMALL D.U.I. misdemeanor illegals that they are nabbing . i agree with post 1 .
Flowerszzz, you don’t understand the mind of Art Pedrolaraza. Since these are illegal immigrants, it’s wrong to arrest them no matter what they’ve done. Art is unable to see past skin color.
Maybe Art can form Amigos of DUI Illegal Immigrants. Innocent motorists who get in their way must be immigrant bashers who are asking for it!
#3 You don’t understand the mind of Pedroza too.
Pedroza is intentionally using his ridiculous arguments to force you to response so he gets your clicks at this forum.
By doing so Pedroza usually wins a battle and loses the war.
Thanks to Pedroza and his ilk the people got so pissed off at Latinos that any comprehensive amnesty attempt is off for at least two years says even Fabian N
Hey, lets just make Costa Mesa (but Santa Ana would be better) the Maywood of Orange County! Police banned from setting up drivers license check points cause to many illegals (thats right you Communists, I said ILLEGALS) were getting their wheels impounded and having themselves on a short ride back to the land of human rights abuses: Mexico.
In Arts FUBARed brain, California rightfully belongs to Mexico, so anything he can do to help “get it back” is no problema.
The point is that ICE was conceived in response to 9-11. The urgency for immigration reform and control is all based on the terrorist threat to the U.S.A.
ICE dealing with mostly misdemeanors, with toal agreement that they are crimes with serious consequences, none the less is hardly addressing the terrorist threat this program and others were intended to protect us from.
All of the previous posters believe ICE and similar programs are exclussively to deal with Latinos. The mind set is interesting.
Lomelli – I never even referred to Latinos as being the “illegals” I dont care what country you are here from illegally, you break a serious law you should be deported with or without your family.
Actually, the point is that criminals are being taken off the streets, and criminal illegal aliens are being properly removed from the general population and returned to their homes.
Until the LA County Sheriff and Costa Mesa PD, and to a limited extent – OC Sheriff, started cooperating with ICE, an illegal alien could get away with committing crimes in addition to the crime of being here illegally. Before you demonize Costa Mesa, know that Lee Baca has been busily helping ICE identify and remove thousands of illegal aliens.
This is a fantastic program that I hope gets extended to Santa Ana’s jail.
The argument that poor illegal aliens are simply trying to make their lives better and humbly work in the shadows for peanuts so that we may prosper on the backs of their labor (or whatever socialist tripe you want to peddle), flies right out the window when they get arrested for committing ADDITIONAL crimes.
If you are here illegally, go home. If you choose to risk it and stay, you’d better keep your nose clean. Sounds like a GREAT message to send to those who choose to break our laws…
Art – the message from the two CMPD lieutenants was that the program is making Costa Mesa safer, and that the program has been a huge success. A good friend of mine was killed by a dunk driver, Art, so why don’t you try to find a shred of morality in your seriously compromised sense of right and wrong and stop pandering to illegal aliens and their socialist sell-out sponsors.
I am not arguing your points about the benefit of apprehending those that committ crime. I was addressing the intent of ICE and similar programs who’s argument for formation and implementation was the terrorist threat.
ICE is most probably very effective in the deportation of the undocumented that committed a crime.
This seems to be good enough for some. ICE seems to be ineffective in warding off terrorism though. I have not heard of terrorist having been apprehended by this program.
Bravo to Jim Gilchrist, Allan Mansoor and the city of Costa Mesa for standing up for our vital bodily fluids and the rights of Americans to kick ass and ask questions later.
That’s why I support allowing code enforcement and animal control officers to apprehend scofflaws and send them back to Aztlan, or wherever it is they come from.
“I was addressing the intent of ICE and similar programs who’s argument for formation and implementation was the terrorist threat.”…. said Lomeli.
Please be advised Mr. Lomeli that ICE is reorganized Immigration & Naturalization Service INS to fit into the Department of Homeland Security.
The terrorism was only added to the already existent INS function.
So ICE’s deportations are proper.
notice art left no feedback on this one because he knows that 85% republicans and 68% democrats are against his thinking on this one . i belive poster 4 he states stupid things so he can a rise out of everyone . and its usually ILLEGAL immagration since HE SUPPORTS IT.
I am not addressing wether ICE’s deportations are proper or not. I am making an observation that it has not effect on the terrorism homeland security aspect of the program.
The current result of deportation is and always was it’s function. It was sold as homeland security only for support.
Isn’t Santa Ana already a santuary city?
Reiterating Mr. Lomeli!
Your observation is incorrect. The ICE = INS regardless of the terrorism issue. The “Immigration and Naturalization Service” was simply renamed to “Immigration and Customs Enforcement”.
Therefore, ICE was not sold to anyone for any reason!… its main function remains IMMIGRATION not TERRORISM.
If it would be up to me I would rename INS to the Intelligence Quotient Enforcement “IQE”.
My observation is correct. You are in agreement with me, in that ICE= INS. That was my point.
Home Land Secutity has nothing to do in reality with terrorism either. It has to do with INS. It was also packaged as the tool to deal with the terrorist threat.
The Iraq conflict was also sold as the tool to deal with the terrorist threat. Later when no arms of mass destruction were not found, military action in Iraq was justified as the means to bring civilization and western culture to that part of the world.
Sad how such a terrible tragedy as 9-11(terrorism) is used to manipulate.
You write: “If it was up to me I would rename INS to the intelligence Quotient Enforcement(IQE)”.
Stanley Fiala, I see you got past the Blog editorial group again.
INS is the governmental body that deals with immigration. Apparently you have a theory that illegal immigrants ( I guess also from your country of origin)have a IQ problem.But legal immigrants have no IQ problem? How does the IQ gene know when the immigrant is legal or illegal? Does the scientific research you base your theory on say where in the DNA the Legal/Illegal IQ gene is?
Or, are you saying that INS should base approving legal residency on an IQ exam?
You are insane and dangerous.
Intersting how some well meaning programs attract cockroaches.
“How does the IQ gene know when the immigrant is legal or illegal?”
As a concerned citizen of Costa Mesa, I am outraged that the IQ Gene has passed over so many of our city officials! Apparently the IQ gene knows when its in Costa Mesa, because it passes right on by.
I wish we could get the Segerstroms to fund a program for gene therapy for our electeds.