The world economic markets are in serious turmoil….as
Gold, Silver and Oil skyrocket on all exchanges! Stocks
depending how closing they are not related to banking or
Credit are rising up like shooting stars. The world Real
Estate residential market is totally in the tank…and
falling faster than a sky diver with a rocket pack. There
are cheap buys on Commercial property and long term Lease
Agreements that have gone begging and will so for the stark
and foreseeable!future! Every bank stock is in double down
In the meantime, banks around the world are trying to stem
the tide, hold back the broken dam of credit squeezes with
“ante ups” of $202 Billion dollars ….just for the big banks.
The questions still arise as to how deep this financial hole
really is! One Trillion, Two Trillion, Three Trillion dollars
or more? The Europeans don’t seem to know…the Americans
don’t seem to know and the Asians are buttoning up for long
cold winter of discontent.
For those who always wanted to know what Hedge Funds and
Derivatives are….they should have asked Jeffery Skillings
of Enron! “Yes Enron, strange visitors from another planet
able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!” It was the
great Ken Lay that extolled the greatness on Mr. Skillings. He
became the most quoted man on Wall Street. Just before the
end came a financial reporter asked Skillings: “What is your
next break-through investment for Enron?” he asked. “Oh, we
are looking at weather. You know like how many sunny days
will Washington D.C. have next year…in the form of a Hedge
Fund or Derivative!”
The Europeans immediately reacted by demanding that Hedge Funds
and Derivatives be monitored and regulated strongly by the
Security & Exchange Commission of the United States. Our old
friend Chris Cox even tried desperately to get further regs
going but could only manage to get a determination that there
should be Regulations on allowing only so-called Mature and
Professional Investors access to Hedge and Derivative markets.
Not enough and possibly now…..too late. That was three years
So, the question remains: “Will $202 Billion Dollars or funny
money fix a black hole so deep and so invasive that they may
never see the bottom?” How many Banks are destined for demise?
How many will simply merge and pray? How many will simply drown
in a sea of debt? Will this in fact leave us with just a couple
of banks left? Lot’s of questions…as we watch double digit
inflation…on the way! There maybe in fact; no end to the Oil
Price hikes! Guess we should be positive and just say………
Hold on to your hats…when the rain comes…you will need them!
Gold hit $834 dollar a ounce over night, Silver $15.73 an ounce
and Oil at closed near $98 bucks a barrell. To put it in better
perspective: When Oil four years ago was $25 dollars a
barrell …gas was $1.89 a gallon. If this spike stays…try
$5.60 in the days to come!
Why I like living in Santa Ana.
When all those who put their faith has funds in to those brokers selling snake oil and hedge funds fall back to earth, losing their life saving.
Life in Santa Ana will go on.
It’s all cyclical…and when Bush is gone…this part of the cycle will end.