As we constantly look for ways to spend tax dollars in Mission Viejo a colleague gave me a color flyer promoting a Public Workshop for possible construction of a dog park in our city.
Date: Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Time: 7:00 p.m.–Introduction, Overview, Input
location: City Hall Council Chamber–200 Civic Center, Mission Viejo
The flyer shows a young family of four in a park setting with a Cocker Spaniel. Talk about the “spin” cycle. Perhaps they should have used an actual photo of a local dog park to illustrate reality but that would be asking too much.
A year ago our DOG PARK COMMITTEE created a list of potential sites with evaluation comments on Exhibit C. Let me share some:
OSO Viejo Community Park. Negative. Noise from sports activity.
PETCO Site (Not considered) Under the power lines. This is amazing. While around 3,500 residents signed petitions to block additional power lines in one of our major parks to protect our children from possible harmful effects of EMF, our dog park committee showed more concern for our four legged friends than the city or Southern CA Edison for the safety of our children who play in that park.
ANIMAL SHELTER. Negative. I love this one. Next to the animal shelter could cause conflicts. Are we afraid to engage in integration in Mission Viejo? We can’t have our pedigree dogs associate with wild dogs in our kennel?
The following letter, published below in its entirety, was written sometime back by a Member, Community Services Commission and ad hoc Dog Park Committee. Take note of his suggestions which I have highlighted.
Should Mission Viejo Have a Dog Park?
Should a dog park be built within the city of Mission Viejo? The City Community Services Commission currently has an ad hoc citizen committee exploring the feasibility of creating such a park.
Among city dog owners (our family has two Miniature Schnauzers) there are undoubtedly many who will view a dog park as a highly desirable addition to the city park system. But a number of questions need to be answered and obstacles overcome before a dog park becomes a reality.
For example, is there a suitable site location in the city for a dog park? What size acreage should the park be? Should there be separate enclosures for large and small dogs? What kind of fencing is required? Should it have night lighting, restrooms (for owners), a swimming pool (for dogs) or off-street parking?
Also, should there be an upper limit on the total construction and maintenance costs of the park? Should the city taxpayers bear the financial burden or should the city explore a business partnership with pet stores and veterinary clinics to share in the costs?
I firmly believe that to be fiscally responsible, this proposed project must undergo a complete and accurate cost-benefit analysis to determine the level of need and potential use, as well as the cost to the taxpayers.
These and other issues will be addressed by the committee over the next several months. Citizens are encouraged to express their opinions to city hall or at future committee meetings.
Michael Ferrall, Ph.D.
Mission Viejo
Juice readers. What are your thoughts as our city engages in as discussion of this vital CIP?
Mike, can we chat about your record as a liberal democrat legislator in wisconsin? I guess you dont remember voting to increase state property taxes back then? Or do you?
email response:
Larry, as you know I’m from the large and sinewy city to the Nawth of you, but very idea of a dog park makes me want to throw up. It’s a downer financially, risky, and a bit arrogant that MV resources connot be better spent than supporting dogs…regards,
Another email from an animal advocate.
Hi Larry:
If we have dogs, put them on a leash and take them for a walk! Enough said.
tonight, as i was flipping between the baseball game, the football game and the council meeting – i started laughing when mission viejo mayor gail reavis stated that she wanted more say in how the capistrano school district spends money. oh really ?? this budget busting council can;t find ways to spend our tax dollars fast enough, from a gawdy electronic sign, to a rose parade float, to the community center expansion climbing to three times the original budget, and now a million dollar dog park, and they want to extend their influence into the school district. Will wonders ever cease?? gail wants to build a theatre for capo high and a gym for newhart. what about permanent classrooms instead of portables? do i have my priorities wrong ???cathy schlicht
My thoughts are that those are some fine looking pitbulls in that picture, especially that one on the far right. I used to have one like that except his head was as big as watermelon, I mean, his head was huge!
I also liked the picture of that fawn pug you used in your other article, though you should have used one where you could have seen its cute little face. I have plenty of extra pictures of my pug in case you need one in the future.
My Veterinarian told me to NEVER take my dog to a dog park. He said the place is loaded with pathogens from the dog feces and their various other activities.
He did say he loved dog Parks–they assured him a nice lively hood.
Check the folks that run the Long Beach Dog Park. They have had a spate of dog fights at the park–seems that those who train their dog for the Mike Vic dog fighting type ring use the Long Beach Dog Park as a test site for their “fighters”.
But I am sure the dogs can be quickly sewn back up at the near by Mission Viejo Dog Pound on the tax payer nickel.
as the previous poster noted, dogs as well as people are not free from risks in dog parks.
i would certainly check with your homeowners policy to see what your insurance covers.