Is Edwards talking about Santa Ana?

Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards spoke in Orange County last night, at the Truman Awards dinner. My co-blogger Claudio Gallegos will have a full report later this weekend. In the interim, I read an Edwards quote in the O.C. Register that caught my eye:

“We’re past the place for cautious calculation. We need to change this country in a very, very serious way.”

Take out the word “country” and replace it with the word “city,” in reference to the City of Santa Ana. It fits, doesn’t it? Here’s how it would read:

“We’re past the place for cautious calculation. We need to change this city in a very, very serious way.”

Here is another revised Edwards quote: “The trust relationship between Santa Ana and this Mayor has been destroyed in the last 21 years.” This revised quote points of course to Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido, who has been in elective office in Santa Ana for 21 years.

Pulido was there last night. The entire Santa Ana City Council was there, with the exception of “Crazy” Claudia Alvarez and Carlos “Space Commander” Bustamante. They each paid more for their dinners than most families in Santa Ana spend on their groceries, in a given week.

I don’t know how Pulido could even show his face at the Democratic dinner, given that his longtime ally, SAUSD Trustee Rosie Avila, ripped Pulido’s immigrant constituents this week in a ridiculous diatribe published by the O.C. Register. And Pulido has TWICE appointed Minuteman Lupe Moreno to the Santa Ana Public Library Advisory Board.

We have been subjected by Pulido and his cabal to one dumb idea after:

In the meantime, we just found out today that Pulido can’t even keep the city’s historical plaques from being stolen! What a joke!

We need to change this city in a very, very serious way.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.