Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards spoke in Orange County last night, at the Truman Awards dinner. My co-blogger Claudio Gallegos will have a full report later this weekend. In the interim, I read an Edwards quote in the O.C. Register that caught my eye:
“We’re past the place for cautious calculation. We need to change this country in a very, very serious way.”
Take out the word “country” and replace it with the word “city,” in reference to the City of Santa Ana. It fits, doesn’t it? Here’s how it would read:
“We’re past the place for cautious calculation. We need to change this city in a very, very serious way.”
Here is another revised Edwards quote: “The trust relationship between Santa Ana and this Mayor has been destroyed in the last 21 years.” This revised quote points of course to Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido, who has been in elective office in Santa Ana for 21 years.
Pulido was there last night. The entire Santa Ana City Council was there, with the exception of “Crazy” Claudia Alvarez and Carlos “Space Commander” Bustamante. They each paid more for their dinners than most families in Santa Ana spend on their groceries, in a given week.
I don’t know how Pulido could even show his face at the Democratic dinner, given that his longtime ally, SAUSD Trustee Rosie Avila, ripped Pulido’s immigrant constituents this week in a ridiculous diatribe published by the O.C. Register. And Pulido has TWICE appointed Minuteman Lupe Moreno to the Santa Ana Public Library Advisory Board.
We have been subjected by Pulido and his cabal to one dumb idea after:
- Pushing to build a streetcar system for over $15 million per mile!
- Stopping medicinal marijuana
- Stopping massage parlors
- Stopping human signs
- Stopping handbills
- Blowing Measure M money on a Maglev train that will never be built
- Blowing a million dollars on repainting a water tower with a new slogan
- Voting themselves longer term limits – and wasting $150K to put the measure on the ballot
- Raising our already too high water rates
- Voting against the OCTA Quiet Zones
- Supporting an ethically questionable business bank
In the meantime, we just found out today that Pulido can’t even keep the city’s historical plaques from being stolen! What a joke!
We need to change this city in a very, very serious way.
Did you guys see Santa Ana Ward 5 Council Candidate Irene Ibarra hanging out last night with Alex Rooker, the California Democratic Party 1st Vice Chair?
The cheerleader has no chance! Give me an “L”, give man “O”, give me a “S”, give me an “E”, give me an “R.” What’s that spell? LOSER!
What is this, the third ward Jennifer Villasenor tries for? Didn’t she lose twice already in Ward 6? And didn’t she get punked when the City Council chose Vince Sarmiento instead of her for Ward 1?
I swear, Villasenor is turning into a female Zeke Hernandez! Pulido sure likes to surround himself with blank-faced puppets…the cheerleader would fit right in with Benavides and Bustamante. But she is going to lose.
Pobresita…I hope she wakes up and tells Pulido to jump off a cliff!
For Mayor Pulido, nothing will make Santa Ana better than to change its name to Sainte Anne, immerse everyone there in French lessons, and get rid of the tacquerias and replace them with sidewalk cafes so the citizens can sip their caf
Great points! Pulido is so out of touch with the people of our city. How many Mexicans in Santa Ana take French lessons and consider tennis to be their favorite sport?
My dad liked watching tennis on TV, but boxing, baseball and soccer were his favorite sports.
BTW, I am told that Pulido’s first campaign fliers, going back 21 years, actually contained anti-immigrant language. I am working on getting a copy of one of these so I can include it in the upcoming “Who is Miguel Pulido?”
That’s terrible about his campaign flyers. Pulido is an immigrant himself. He has a strange set of priorities for his fiefdom.
So that water tower thing was purely aesthetic? I had noticed that when I’m driving on the 5.
“Stopping massage parlors”
Why not?… if the activity there can’t be discussed at this blog without bleeping.
I did see Councilmember Alvarez at the Truman Dinner. Believe it or not, there were other events going on that evening.
Yeah, like Boo at the Zoo. Perhaps Clownia preferred hanging out with the primates at the zoo over the OC Democratic leaders.
The million $$ question is .. was Miguelito’s wife Laura dangling from his arm last evening?
#1. Did you know Irene Ibarra’s godfather is Ray Cordova?