Here is the latest news from the Recall Diane Harkey campaign:
Diane Harkey demonstrated once again where her political priorities really are by leaving an outraged voice-mail message for Orange County Register political reporter Martin Wisckol this week, complaining of a conspiracy by Wisckol and the newspaper to print only “unflattering” pictures of her.
“I’m not that unphotogenic!,” decried Harkey.
Knowledgable readers were reminded of some on Harkey’s other choice communications to Dana Point residents that can be read at this link, namely, her comments that “In case you didn’t know, I’m very wealthy…” (Source: Email from Diane Harkey to Dana Point resident, October 13, 2005), and “My only point was that I am independently wealthy…” Source: Email from
Diane Harkey to Dana Point resident, October 14, 2005.
Here is what the Register’s blog had to say about Harkey’s insistence that she is being subject to “extreme bias” because she is “not that unphotogenic”:
Total Buzz Poll: Are we unfair to Harkey?
Say it isnt so. Is Art quilty of censorship? Who is he pandering to? Why are you censoring my comments Art?
It’s not that she’s unphotogenic she’s ugly. She belongs in Corona or Temecula with the dark hair and chunky blonde highlights. Great 909 Look you’ve got going on Diane. And you don’t disappoint with that BIG SOUTH OC HAIR. Dana Point is Stepford, California. I love the video clip of the city council debating with the resident “it sounds like”…uh, it doesn’t matter what it sounds like ladies, you’re not the fair police or the nice police, it’s public record and she’s allowed to repeat it so shut up and listen!
Diane lives in Ritz Cove and she has lots of money. So what! Folks like her think that they really are “special” people, most unlike the rest of us. That will never change, no matter what you say or write about her. Lots of money, means, I know everything about everything and I’m always right. (Just an opinion)