I was sent the press release below by the O.C. Human Relations Commission. This looks like a great conference to get involved in.
Moving Forward: Building a Shared Vision for California
I was sent the press release below by the O.C. Human Relations Commission. This looks like a great conference to get involved in.
Moving Forward: Building a Shared Vision for California
IMMIGRANT RIGHTS . or illegal immigrant rights . who should not have any because they dont belong here . they should not keep taking money out the LEGAL citizens pocket .i always love the way they word this a immigrant rights rally . we all know who they are supporting because its not us because we are legal immigrants . what are they going to teach as far as avoiding ice raids . show phony I D .
Hey anons: this is a conference, not a rally. Your ire at even a DISCUSSION on immigration is ugly and makes you look pretty ignorant.
Big business has invited these illegals here and are utilizing their labor. We as taxpayers shouldnt have to bear the burden, and the problem is not going away, so shouldn’t there be some sort of reform to fix this? So that they are accountable? If you are really angry about this problem, wouldnt you want to do something to fix it?
Deporting everyone is not an option, the logistics are impossible. Be smarter.
“Big business has invited these illegals here and are utilizing their labor.”
You are EXACTLY right…WE are responsible for this dysfunctional system. My question through this whole debate has been, Is this what we want our country to look like? A country that imports cheap labor and pays them substandard wages, often with no healthcare benefits, and frequently with no ability to unionize, just so we can have cheap strawberries?
“so shouldn’t there be some sort of reform to fix this?”
Saint, at this stage, the only way how this can be resolved is by the natural forces — like major depression — which is coming soon to trigger reverse exodus.