The cat is out of the bag…and Metzler wants his money

The Santa Ana City Council is at it again. They will be meeting on Monday as the “Community Redevelopment Agency” to vote on an “Agreement with the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce for continued support and promotion of the CityLine newsletter.” And they did not want us to know about it.

You cannot find the agenda for this meeting on the City’s website. And they did not mail the agenda to me, although as a Housing and Redevelopment Commissioner I normally do receive this agenda via U.S. mail. Incidentally they DID mail me the agenda for their “Housing Authority” meeting which is on the same night.

My co-blogger, Thomas Gordon, called the City Clerk’s office today and asked for an emailed copy of the agenda in question. He has yet to receive a copy at the email address he gave them, so he drove to City Hall tonight and copied down the relevant information from the posted agenda.

This item was continued, you might recall, from the Santa Ana City Council meeting that was held on August 20. Sean Mill wrote about how inflamed Mike Metzler, the Exec. Director of the Chamber, got when his request for $82K to publish his CityLine propaganda was continued.

Mill also wrote about how Metzler has used the City Council to advance his own political agenda.

I continue to be amazed at the lengths the City Council will take to funnel money to their political hacks – Metzler chief amongst them. Earlier this week Mill revealed that the Chamber doesn’t even need our tax money. You can read their CityLine propaganda online.

I wish I could tell you that the City Council will make the right move on Monday. I really do. But they worked very hard to bury the Redevelopment Agency agenda and that makes me wonder if they were trying to give Metzler the money without any of us taking note?

Memo to Metzler and the City Council: please consider the cat to be officially out of the bag. The CityLine publishes their political endorsements in the CityLine using OUR tax money. That is NOT RIGHT. If the City Council votes to give Metzler this money they will be issuing a big slap to our collective faces. If they have the money to burn on Metzler, why did they just raise our water rates?

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.