What can you buy for $3 million dollars? The O.C. Register reported today that the Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) “received an additional $3.2 million in state funding last school year, money the district was not entitled to collect, because of clerical errors made by district staff, Superintendent Jane Russo revealed today.” Oopsie!
Btw that was a fun read. Except for citing Greg. Lol!! And Tammy Shenanigans has a credibility problem. Hello.
U know that in corporate America these newbies would be fired! That is just a Jane Russo excuse. I thought hiring someone meant they know how to do that job. I would like to see their employment card and see, if these so called “newbies” were EVEN newbies. NOT. I know lets take out the $3.2 million out of these 2 newbies checks and the SAUSD Board Members!!!
I watched a program on KOCE or was it PBS about the way the No Child Left Behind Act works. Nways the point being, the schools set their own standards! (So its their greedy convenience to set goals for themselves and their pockets and not the STUDENTS NEEDS!) What this in turn means is that they are lying and not painting the real picture. What these schools do especially irresponsible ones like the SAUSD is that they set low goals for themselves so they can hopefully meet those goals!!! But as you can see they can’t even meet those!
OMG, this is so embarrassing. When is anyone in this district held accountable? I can see now how difficult union negotiations are going to be. Enough!
That’s it from the Sup.? What a lame excuse. “We lost millions but no one will be fired. Just a mistake. too bad. Kids be damned!” The sad thing is that the Latino parents in this town don’t have the politcal power to toss the bums out. Most can’t vote.
Point the finger at Machado on this one.
How many of the voters have children who go to SAUSD schools?
If the voters will not hold the school board accountable, then why should the board hold the administration accountable.
It rolls downhill.
Teaching and school staff, not accountable
Students, not accountable
Should the district be dissolved and parted out to the surrounding districts for the good of the students and taxpayers alike?
Art –
Enlighten OJ reades and post the LA Times article that ran in today’s paper. The folks at the Times have done a much better job of covering this story than Leal at the Register. Leal merely rehashes the district’s spin.
Second week of school and Rookie Russo is embroiled in her third scandal. Kindly report out on what’s happening at Adams Elementary.
Isn’t it rich that Russo is blaming
two staffers for this $3.2 million error? If these *two new staffers* did not know how to calculate summer school attendance why didn’t their immediate supervisor oversee their work? It’s the immediate supervisor who should be taken behind the shed.
Gee Jane, did someone bungle the numbers when it came time to negotiating your $250,000 annual salary? I’d say they’re off by $100,000!
“Failure is Unacceptable…” Blah Blah Blah… Zero credibility. ZERO. Has anyone ever heard of double checking something like a 3.2 million dollar mistake? Oh well let’s just cram more students into classrooms to cover this one.
This new(s) development epitomizes everything that is inept about SAUSD. Someone from the outside always has to step in and make the “powers that be” accountable for their errors. Unfortunately, since there is no common sense in regards to fiscal responsibility from the upper echelon of district administration, these individuals can blithely go about their perceived notions of business/administrative matters that are “more important”. SAUSD is a public entity, but, it still needs to run on the smallest of semblances to a business. That is, it (SAUSD) cannot operate and render services if their are no financial resources to support them. This is pathetic and ironic. SAUSD will make these very same remarks when it come time for addressing district employee contract negotiations. Will the new quality control consultant being hired by the district begin his/her fiscal analysis with the superintendent and board members?