Food fight breaks out at Orange Street Fair!

George Collins, the editor of Santa Ana Insight, went to the Orange International Street Fair yesterday, with the goal of filming the event so he could promote it on his website.

However, when he got there, one of the event security guards stopped him and said he could not stay at the fair as it was a private event. You can see the video Collins shot depicting the confrontation here.

The security guard ended up calling a police officer to remove Collins, who said he had a right to be there as a member of the press. The rent a cop then told Collins that the media was not allowed at the event. Collins actually has an international press pass because of his work in Peru, where he films documentaries.

Collins was also told that he had to leave because he was on a Segway, the unique two-wheeled vehicles that you stand on and are controlled by a gyroscopic device. However, the O.C. Sheriff’s at John Wayne airport are now using Segways! If they are safe enough to use at the crowded airport, what is the problem with using them at the Street Fair?

The Orange police officer told Collins, off camera, that the real reason that the street fair organizers do not want to be filmed is that a lot of people get very drunk at the street fair. Ah ha!I took a look at the Street Fair website. I could not find ANY information about the organizers of the event. But I did find a list of their sponsors. Guess what? Budweiser is their top sponsor!

Apparently the street fair organizers pay for Orange police to be there. But who pays when there are DUI’s or when people are hurt, or when the city gets sued?

This is all quite shocking to me. I never stopped to think about the alcohol issue at the Street Fair. Now we know there is a lot more to the story. Ironically, MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) tells us that there is a nationwide crackdown on drunk drivers going on right now, over the Labor Day weekend. Maybe they need to crack down in Orange?

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.