Cal State Trustees want a 46% raise for administrators

The San Francisco Chronicle revealed today that the Cal State University Board of Trustees “is poised to award pay increases averaging 11.8 percent to Chancellor Charles Reed, his four chief deputies and 23 campus presidents as part of a plan to significantly boost their salaries over the next few years.”

It gets even worse, “The Board of Trustees meets today and Wednesday in Long Beach, and chairwoman Roberta Achtenberg has signaled her intent to raise the executive salaries about 46 percent over the next four years.”

And even worse, “Reed, whose annual salary will increase to $421,500 if the proposal is enacted, believes the increases are needed to begin to catch up with the salaries paid by other colleges and to help lure the best and brightest educators to the nation’s largest four-year university system. The raise would put Reed’s annual salary about $21,000 higher than that of Robert Dynes, head of the smaller but more selective and prestigious University of California system.”

Wow. Consider that student fees just went up ten percent. That won’t be the last increase if Reed prevails.

The California Faculty Association (CFA) just received a raise too – but they got only 4.7% over four years. The president of the CFA had this to say “They seem to have kind of an obsession with executive pay that they don’t have with any of the other issues before the CSU. They’ve given themselves a raise in each of the last three years, and now they have a plan for the next four years.”

And get this, “CSU negotiators have turned down a proposed 3.6 percent pay increase for nonteaching staff who provide health care, administrative and technical services, custodial work and grounds maintenance.”

Unbelievable. Are the Cal State administrators REALLY underpaid? Consider that “As part of their pay packages, campus presidents also receive a choice of state-provided housing or a $50,000 to $60,000 housing allowance. They may use a state-provided automobile or choose to receive a vehicle allowance of $1,000 per month.”

You can look up the Cal State Board of Trustees at this link. There is also a separate listing of appointed Trustees.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.