Earlier today I addressed a group on the current status of property rights legislation and two active Initiatives. This post is issued to alert you to carefully watch which Initiative version you sign. Titles can be deceptive.
Case in point. I am a speaker on behalf of the one entitled “Government Acquisition, Regulation of Private Property. Constitutional Amendment.” It’s unfortunate that our application for Title and Summary was altered as is the prerogative of those in power.
Our application requested the title “California Property Owners and Farmland Protection Act.” The A.G. tracking number is 07-0015. Our co-sponsors are the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, the California Farm Bureau and the California Alliance to Protect Private Property Rights.
This past weekend the Californian Republican Party joined an extensive list of organizations who have endorsed our Eminent Domain Reform Ballot Measure.
Unlike the other flavor, we promote protection for ALL property owners, not just a limited group. The other initiative has the same flaws which kept ACA-8 and AB 887 from getting approved by our legislature.
Going back to deceptive titles. Brand X title reads “Homeowners & Private Property Protection Act.” Read the text. It does NOT protect any church, small business (26-100 employees), family farms or investment property from eminent domain “takings.”
Their failure to provide 100 percent protection alone should tell you to follow the words of Nancy Reagan when you are asked to sign. Just say no!
To obtain a copy or to read our Initiative, fact sheets, or to support our cause, simply go to www.yesonpropertyrights.com
Should you have any specific questions, be it on the different versions of the Initiatives, or your real property rights, feel free to comment on the blog or to me directly.
Larry Gilbert, Orange County Co-Director, CURE email lgpwr@aol.com
Haven’t heard whether the Initiative that you endorse still includes that “poison pill” restriction on all Rent Control.
Hey Ron.
Glad we were able to spend some time together today. Our focus should be on the Western CPAC event we are covering next month.
I expect you to be prepared for that program and not rehash your old ideas on real property rights.
After all these years nothing changes. We agree that at times we will disagree. This being one of them. Period!