State Senator Dick Ackerman is terming out. Two Republicans are vying for his State Senate seat – one is from the south part of the district, Assemblywoman Mimi Walters. The other is from Anaheim, which represents only a sliver of the district – that would be Anaheim Councilman Harry Sidhu.
The map above shows an outline of the 33rd Senate District. Walters clearly has an advantage in terms of name I.D.
However, what do Sidhu and Walters have to say about racist Anaheim Union High School District Trustee Harald Martin? There is a major effort underway RIGHT NOW to unseat Martin and force a special election.
As the 33rd Senate District includes a chunk of the Anaheim Union High School District, it is only fair that Sidhu and Walters SPILL THE BEANS and tell us if they support the effort to bet rid of Martin.
I have no idea if either of these Republicans supports the ouster of Martin – but it is certainly a fair question to ask!
I understand that Sidhu lives in Anaheim Hills. So he will likely say that he does not live in the AUHSD. So? He is running for a State Senate District that INCLUDES a piece of the AUHSD. So I want to know – does he support the ouster of Martin? I suspect he does not. His campaign website includes a picture of Sidhu with the famed Mexican hater and former Governor, Pete Wilson.
The fact is, I suspect that both Mimi and Harry will stay mum about Martin, because they belong to a party that CATERS to Mexican haters. The last thing either of them want to do is antagonize the Minuteman voters.
I hope one of them proves me wrong. But I won’t be holding my breath.
What is American Culture? Is it not a mixture of immigrant cultures.By definition assimilation is the mixing of the resident culture and the arriving culture.Resisting this would mean advocating for aparthied and a racist state.The vast majority Hispanic population in the US is legal.#49’s argument about loosing the American Culture is silly when one of the arguments for the US war in Iraq is to take the western culture to them even if it means the killing of thousands of people on both sides.The conservitive Republicans support this and also support the Hispanic Culture phobia.In this context is it not silly to argue this Culture issue #49 presents?The Blog commentary seems to indicate a Hispanic Culture phobia with illegal and legal Hispanic immigration being the argument to address the phobia.Economic hardships attributed to illegal immiration on the USA are not supported by academic ,private and public research.These claims are just anti-illegal immigration talking points.
POST #50 i went to school in santa ana thats why my english is bad .all they taught there was spanish . STICK WITH THE ISSUE you know what i meant
You want folks to stick to the issue so perhaps you could stick to the truth. Santa Ana schools do have bilingual aspect to them, but teaching is done mostly in English.