Teen Challenge Santa Ana whose motto reads: "the Proven Cure for the Drug Epidemic"

Take note: Everything you read on this blog is not negative about Santa Ana.

It’s ironic to read Art’s post of Assemblyman Jose Solorio’s August 31st Town Hall meeting at Rancho Santiago Community College District Board Room where Assembly Members and guest panelists were invited to address “Confronting Gangs and Youth Violence: Community based solutions.” Staying on that same topic let me introduce another program that already exists in Santa Ana. It’s called Teen Challenge. Due to a speaker cancellation I was able to open a seat for Santa Ana TC Director Ron Brown to be one of the panelists. That report will follow.

How many readers remember the movie “Cross and the Switchblade” starring Pat Boone and Eric Estrada. The story is about gangs in Harlem and Brooklyn in the 1950’s. The Fort Greene Housing Project was the breeding ground for many of the teen age gangs who engaged in a wide range of crimes up to and including murders.

Forty-nine years ago Pentecostal Rev. David Wilkerson drove to New York City from PA. to observe the murder trial of seven boys and felt that something had to be done to save these “mainline” dope addicts from self destruction. Dave’s compassion for these teens led to the eventual formation of the Teen Challenge organization. You can read Dave’s amazing story about saving lives in his paperback book available at “no charge” at www.teenchallenge.com/guestbook.

“According to the 2002 National Survey on Drug Use, an estimated 7.7 million individuals age 12 or older were in need of care for an illicit drug problem. Furthermore, an estimated 18.6 million persons age 12 or older were in need of assistance for an alcohol problem. Teen Challenge has responded with action to statistics like these. Providing residential and non-residential care for thousands of men and women seeking freedom from life-controlling problems, Teen Challenge has become their answer.”

Larry. Where is the Santa Ana connection with this story. Simple.

Santa Ana, CA is the HQ of a Teen Challenge TC center that offers hope to local youth and adults. TC first opened an office in Huntington Beach in 1966 and later added the Santa ana facility 25 years ago. The Mission of Teen Challenge is “to provide youth, adults and families with an effective and comprehensive Christian faith-based solution to life-controlling drug and alcohol problems in order to become productive members of society. By applying biblical principles, Teen Challenge endeavors to help people become mentally sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physically well, and spiritually alive.”

I met Don Wilkerson, co-founder of Teen Challenge, at a fundraiser held at El Adobe Restaurant in San Juan around 10 years ago where we listened as young men and women gave their testimony on how Teen Challenge helped to turn their lives around.
Ever since that day we have supported this wonderful program.

For the past six years Rev. Ron Brown has served as Director of their Santa Ana HQ. During his tenure the center has expanded and currently offers a wide variety of programs including “Drug Education and Prevention, Teen and Gang Intervention and Prevention, a Tutorial Learning Center, Institutional Programs, a Residential Program, Crisis Counseling and Evangelism Outreach.” TC is very proud of their “TC Kids” after school learning and children’s prevention programs as most gang members and drug addicts start down that road to destruction at a very early age.

Santa Ana TC is very proud of their after school learning center and prevention programs where they provide both tutoring and mentoring. They also have a satellite location in San Juan Capistrano with a vey active outreach program.

Here’s the priority for participation:

The After-School Learning center staff seeks out those students who are most at-risk for social and/or academic failure with a particular emphasis on those students who (1) have been identified as victims of child abuse or domestic violence, (2) are from low-income families, (3) are at high risk for academic failure and (4) those who have been identified as “hard to reach.”

As Rev. Brown and I attended Assemblyman Solorio’s Town Hall meeting we had a few minutes to share some numbers. TC Santa Ana sees 500 kids per week. Their anti-gang/anti-drug presentations have reached thousands of young adults countywide. Ron’s closing thoughts was that his team at TC is “endeavoring to be Salt and Light to the community.” And they truly are.

For additional information on Teen Challenge, their programs, or ways you can get involved, simply go to their website.
mail to: Teen Challenge Intl, PO Box 236, Santa Ana, CA 92792 Tel.714.835.8822

About Larry Gilbert