Busted. Mike “Little Napoleon” Schroeder was interviewed this week by Martin Wisckol over at Total Buzz. Amongst the B.S. he spun was this nugget, “In Little Saigon, the issue of anti-communism
I believe Schroeder was actually referring to Linda Nguyen in San Jose Council District 7.
Poster 1,
Hard to say. I don’t follow the political scene in San Jose. But my source does.
Schroeder did not name anyone in his comments, perhaps for good reason.
Schroeder said a “Female Republican.”
Linda Nguyen ran against Madison Nguyen in a special election in 2005 where Madison Nguyen won. Both are NOT REPUBLICANS
Hon Lien is the only registered Republican Vietnamese American woman who ran in San Jose.
yea I seem to recall that too, it was Linda Nguyen who Tran did not endorse.
I did a quick google, it seems that Tran attended Madison Nguyen’s victory party, Madison defeated Linda.
So, although not directly stated in this article it supports OC Native’s comment.
Research it a bit more Art
Linda Nguyen was a registered American Indep then re-registered before her election as a Dem.
San Jose Native-
Good point. Both Madison Nguyen AND Linda Nguyen are DEMOCRATS…
So either “Napoleon” Schroeder got his parties mixed up OR he was talking about Van Tran withholding support for REPUBLICAN Hon Lien in this year’s San Jose City Council race in District 4.
Oh yes, and I wonder why Mr. REPUBLICAN “Napoleon” Schroeder isn’t outraged that Van Tran sometimes supports Democrats for local office. When other OC GOPers do it, he’ll stone them to (political) death. But when folks like Mike Carona (in supporting Gray Davis) and Van Tran (in supporting Madison Nguyen) do it, it’s OK. It surprises me… And amuses me. ; )
Great Point Andrew! I attended a Republican Central Comm. meeting last year where a Republican Mission Viejo Councilman was nearly stoned to death for place a sign of a Dem. in a Non-Part. race.
Madison Nguyen is a democrat that was endorsed by Trung Nguyen.
Schroeder is a dork.
OC Native,
Aka Paul Lucas….Mike S. was not referring to Linda Nguyen. This race happened over a year ago. Hon Lien’s race was a couple of months ago…And Van was on the host committee a couple of times with the Lincoln Club up North and with Michelle Steel. He didn’t want the Viet community to even know about this because Hon Lien does business in Vietnam.
Andy Quach and Lan Nguyen also endorsed Madison Nguyen. Andy endorses democrats all the time. He has endorsed Lou Correa, Mark Rosen etc. But the Republican Party does nothing.