The July 2007 Report of the Public Policy Institute of CA entitled “Broadband for All” should be required reading by the Orange County Board of Supervisors as they consider implementing a county wide Wi-Fi technology umbrella.
In Jed Kolko’s report he states that “nearly half of California households have broadband (high-speed) internet access.” He adds that “broadband is more widely available in higher income and higher-density areas..”
The summary says that he reviewed “the policy approaches that California and it’s cities are taking to raise broadband adoption and availability, including local efforts to provide municipal Wi-Fi (wireless broadband).”
While this is a hot high technology issue today, and was mentioned in one of Supervisor Bill Campbell’s newsletters, there are possible alternatives such as “another emerging wireline technology (is) Broadband over Powerline (BPL) which uses the electric power network and home electrical wiring and outlets to carry Internet data. Unlike (fibre-to-the-home)FTTH, BPL speeds are similar to those of DSL and cable (see the website internet.html).”
Wi-Fi ties in DSL or cable without wires in your home, office or local coffee shop. This post deals with that enhancement and not dial up Vs broadband for this discussion.
Is the county aware of this technology and have they engaged in due diligence to learn more of the other industry efforts to capture this new marketplace?
My point is that the county has some homework to do before committing to any provider or technology.
Jed’s report includes “a full list of municipal wireless initiatives in the United States (that) is available at”
The report mentions a proposal by Google to “provide free, ad supported service in San Francisco” for Wi-Fi. Have we considered Google or is the focus on EarthLink?
To see or copy the 24 page PPIC report simply go to:
For Juice readers.
While this topic might be over the heads of our readers, what is your thoughts about the government engaging in possible exclusive Wi-Fi contracts on a countywide basis?
Are there identifiable and justifiable public benefits to you from Wi-Fi?
Generic metro/municipal-area wireless Internet access makes a lot of sense. Of course, like any issue that enters the public domain, metro/municipal area wireless Internet could be implemented badly. On a technical level, this notion makes sense. Yes, phone companies are going to object (big time!), fearing use of VOIP (voice over IP) rather than their commercial service. Yes, providers of wired Internet access (cable and phone companies) are going to object, from fear of losing customers (partly justified).
Both markets were created by then-current technology, and both markets will and should be changed by now-current technology. The costs in providing ubiquitous wireless Internet access have fallen to ridiculously low levels (and continue to fall). The benefits to citizens are vastly in excess of the cost. This is not some fuzzy/leftish “social justice” argument – do the numbers. Imagine the benefit to productivity if any worker can respond to work-issues from anywhere at anytime. This particular application of technology is a universal benefit – to the disadvantaged and to the commercial realm.
Personally, I am going to keep my wired Internet connection (through Cox – excellent service) as a wired Internet connection will always be more secure and out-perform a wireless connection. Any business that is in any way dependent on their connection to the Internet will want a wired connection. At the same time, metro/muni-area wireless access makes a tremendous amount of sense – both technically and economically.
Freeway or tollway?
City, County, government suppied wireless internet is not promoted as free.
The local government need to stay out of the way. The market place is already provideing this service.
Email from a Cutting Edge-a talk show colleague in Cedar City.
The “Wireless Silicon Valley” had a better start some time ago and it is starting to feel like a soda that you opened last week and just found in your garage… no fizzle … tastes sort of flat …
The T-Mobiles and ATT and some other existing have gone into the airports, McD’s, Seattle Coffee, Starbucks, etc and put so many wireless hot spots that their signals are overlapping. You also know that all of the libraries have internet service that has been funded by you and I and mandated by the FCC. Those could all have a wireless AP connected so that the “great unwashed” can get to the internet for free. (the project) (pop goes the weasel)