What a week! The Orange Juice! has once again landed in first place on the BNN “California’s Most Influential Political Blogs” rankings.
As always, I thank our readers and our blog team for contributing to our continued success.
Looking at the latest rankings, which appear on the left, you can see that the top four blogs are from Orange County. And five of the top ten political blogs are likewise from the O.C.
At least three of the top ten blogs are liberal. Three are conservative. The rest are all over the political map.
I wonder what the OC GOP machine Republicans think when our blog comes out on top of theirs?
This reminds me of a conversation I had this week with a conservative Republican friend in south Orange County. I invited him to join our blog team but he said he signed a contract to blog for the Flash Report exclusively. I could not help but remind him that we are ranked higher than Jon and his minions!
Some of our current top stories include:
- What do Harry and Mimi think of Harald? (299 Page Views)
- Come out, come out wherever you are (216 Page Views)
- The truth about Hillary (193 Page Views)
- OC GOP machine owes us an apology (186 Page Views)
- Santa Ana focuses on signs while city crumbles in disrepair (225 Page Views)
- O.C. Republican finds success by bashing immigrants (184 Page Views)
- Make an offer (128 Page Views)
- Why not Umberg for the 33rd District? (105 Page Views)
- Schroeder lied? (97 Page Views)
Congratulations, Art! As someone newly introduced to you and your site, it only proves you’re doing something right. So much for the wanna-be’s taking snipes at you!
Congratulations to the whole O.J. Team!! Keep it up! On another, unrelated subject, I saw a great interview this morning with S.A. Councilman Sal Tinajero on T.V. Not sure what station. Can you please see if Sal or city staff could have it put on Ch. 3 so I could see the rest and all residents could enjoy it as well? I’m sure Sal know which interview it is. The woman asked many great questions about education and other subjects of interest to O.J. readers. Thanks!! There is so much junk on Ch. 3 not related to the city i’m sure everyone would enjoy getting to know Mr. Tinajero better and hear his views. God bless…
Looks like your main comp. is OCBLOG. They must be feeling the heat since they re-direct your link to Janet Nguyens. It’s too bad they feel so threatened by your success.