Racist Anaheim Union High School District Trustee Harald Martin apparently compared students in his district to Tribbles – furry little creatures from an old Star Trek T.V. show, according to Gustavo Arellano’s latest post at the O.C. Weekly’s Navel Gazing blog.
Here is Martin’s quote, “”…Where they have these little creatures that boarded the ship…And they came on the ship and everyone loved them. They were so cute and fluffy, nice little things when there were four or five of them. Then it got to the point down the road when it wasn’t so nice. they were getting in the way because there now were thousand of them on the ship.“
Arellano found the quote in a 1999 NPR interview.
In the Star Trek episode in question, Captain Kirk had to figure out how to get rid of the Tribbles. Wikipedia sheds more light on the Tribbles, “According to Leonard McCoy‘s dialog their only two purposes in life appear to be to eat and to reproduce, and they perform both of these functions well.”
So apparently Martin thinks that all Mexicans are capable of is eating and reproducing. He could not be more wrong. He will find out soon that we are good at getting rid of racist politicians too. He has inadvertently woken up Orange County’s sleeping oso…
art comes back from vacation and the first word out of his mouth = what else RACIST . RACIST . RACIST / if you choose not to agree with him or take issue on the otherside your a racist . the two words from the left . racist and immigrants . leaving out illegal of course
Poster 1,
Actually my first post was about my trip to Mexico. You need to scroll down a bit for that one…
How would you interpret the comment ” all Mexicans are good at is eating and reproducing”?
Art P. in his blog thread wasn’t asking you to agree with him on anything. He simply presented a comment Gustavo Arellano included in his article.You can agree or disagree on the intended comparison beign a racist statement or not.
Immigratnt does not = illegal , as you put it.There are many of us immigrants that are US citizens.
Harald Martin has been a featured speaker at California Coalition for Immigration Reform (CCIR) for years and is likely a member. CCIR has been identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group not just an organization that has concerns about federal immigration policy.
Southern Poverty Law Center is a well respected organization that tracks neo-Nazis and KKK organizations among others.
Since Harald Martin speaks at meetings of a hate group, it does not seem such a stretch to infer that he is a racist.
to post#3 you are correct immigrant dose not =illegal . the problem is when a story is done about so called . day labor sights . immigrant rights , city marches , these people are protesting the rights of illegals . not immigrants . the word illegal is ALWAYS left out .
They are protesting for human rights not illegal rights.The US contitution protects everyone’s human rights as therein described.The US constitution does not differentiate wether a human beign is legal or illegal on this regard.
Excuse my French but Martin needs his nuts crushed.
“CCIR has been identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group”
Jewish Defense League,Catholic Family Ministries,Latter Day Saints,Border Patrol,Voz de Aztlan and numerous other governmental agencies,religions,assistance leagues and cultural groups have been branded as hate groups by SPLC. Whats your point?
Let’s insert the word “illegal” into the discussion.
Immigration restrictionisits are apoplectic over the news that the U.S. has entered into a “totalization” agreement with Mexzico. Under these agreements, which the U.S. has with 21 other countries, workers who work in two countries during their careers can combine what they earned in both places to qualify for retirement benefits under one or both systems. The restrictionists insist that the U.S. government has conspired with Mexico to let “illegal” immigrants loot the Social Security sytem.
That’s quite a charge, if true. But these pacts apply only to people who are working legally.
The worry is that, if Congress passes guest-worker legislation that gives some number of illegal immigrants a “work-authorized” Social Security number, the worker might be in a positon, if s/he met eligibility requirements, to apply for Social Security benefits, including those earned while in the country illegally.
Supporters of totalization point out that current U.S. law bans illegal immigrants from collecting Social Security beneftits.
They’re right about that. But there is no law prohibiting illegal immigrants with bogus Social Security numbers from paying into the system, something they and their employers do to the tune of more than $7 billion per year in payroll taxes alone.
That’s money the illegal immigrant will never see again, and it has for years helped to keep the “entitlement program” afloat. So Social Security lives off ill-gotten goods – the stolen taxes of millions of people, and the assumption that they’ll never be claimed.
Do the math. Your simplistic rant of “illegal” has far reaching ramifications. Our entitlement program has been hemorraging for years and the “illegal” immigrant is helping to keep it afloat. I hope you do the honorable thing and turn away your Social Security check. After all, it’s money “illegally gotten.”
Let’s talk “illegal,” but let’s keep it real. It’s stacking up that the Mexican is the one who will be subsidizing your Social Security benefits. Next time you see an illegal immigrant say muchas gracias.
No, no, no
He never said they are tribbles.
He said they are trouble, but he had a mouthful of skittles and a minor speech impediment.
Martin’s quote as posted here does not mention anything about Mexicans or immigrants, illegal or otherwise. This quote means absolutely nothing to Art’s claim that Martin is a racist.
So apparently Martin thinks that all Mexicans are capable of is eating and reproducing. He could not be more wrong. He will find out soon that we are good at getting rid of racist politicians too.
What do you mean “we”, Art? When did you become Senor Mexican? You just spent a week a few minutes south of the border for the first time in how long, 15-20 years? And now it “us Mexicans”? You’re like some upper-middle class Latino kids who goes to college, joins Mecha and starts spouting off as if he’s a member of an oppressed minority.
Your a joke.
Anon #11: that’s why you should click on the NPR interview or my OC Weekly post to hear the quote in context. Martin compared the immigrant students in Anaheim’s junior and high schools to Tribbles in the interview. Let’s not kid ourselves about which ethnicity Martin had in mind–it sure as hell wasn’t Magnolia High’s Samoan population, or the Soviet Bloc refugees that were my classmates at Anaheim High.
I’d really ;like to hear the context, but I tried to play the NPR segment using the provided link, and it comes back to a “file not found” error.
That clip is a bit tricky–set your computer to RealPlayer instead of Window Media Player or iTunes. That’s what I did!