Carona is their guy, Street isn’t

Red County/OC Blog contributor Jon Fleischman today wrote a negative post about O.C. Treasurer Chriss Street. I find it absolutely astounding that he has the chutzpah to rip Street while he and Red County/OC Blog editor Matt “Jubal” Cunningham continue to IGNORE all the wrongdoings of Fleischman’s former boss, O.C. Sheriff Mike Carona. Not to mention their deleting of anti-Diane Harkey posts.

How in the world can Red County/OC Blog maintain even a shred of credibility when they rip only those machine members who are caught red handed, while ignoring the many problems associated with Carona? It’s laughable.

It reminds me of a story Ryan Trabuco shared with me. He had a conversation with Carona consigliere Mike Schroeder wherein Trabuco asked him about Carona’s “problems.” Schroeder’s response was typical, “Carona’s our guy.” Yes he is – and nothing will EVER change that.

Don’t take my word for it. Here is just one of many responses to the Fleischman post:

Flieschman, You’re the LAST person to be calling for anything from Chris Street.

When you hold Mike Carona to the same standards you try to impose on others THEN maybe you have standing to ask anything anybody to be held accountable for their actions. Until you call for a full investigation of the Sheriff’s office for the multiple scandals he has brought to Orange County, you really need to shut your mouth and watch from the sidelines because you have ZERO credibility.

There has never been a DA investigation of Carona by Carona’s buddy, Tony Rackaukus. I wonder if Mike Schoreder and his wife’s record setting, super fast-track rise to the highest paid position within the DA’s office, has anything to do with that? Everyone begs to know what does Carona have on Rackaukus – or better yet, what does Schroeder have on Rackaukus that prevents him from doing his job objectively regarding the Sheriff?

Now I know that Cunningham will turn around and say that I never say anything negative about my friend, O.C. Supervisor Janet Nguyen. In truth, I wrote about the problems her campaign had and I covered the furniture fiasco to a greater degree than all the other blogs in town. Not to mention the fact that several of my co-bloggers, particularly Sean Mill, have had their whacks at Supervisor Nguyen.

The truth is that Red County/OC Blog is pure OC GOP Machine SPIN. If you like that sort of thing, good for you. I think they are very close to losing whatever credibility they had in the first place. Cunningham and Fleischman are clearly partners in outright shameless hypocrisy.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.