As a follow-up to my post about the anti-war protesters who wasted their time at Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez’ office this week, here are two concrete suggestions for activism that will actually promote their cause, instead of making them look like wackos.
First, they need to pile into their hippie vans and drive up to San Francisco so they can help their fellow Democrat and anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan. She is running for Congress against Democrat House Leader Nancy Pelosi. Perfect! They can register their disgust with Pelosi by helping to defeat her.
After they accomplish that mission, and especially if they fail to elect Sheehan, they need to quit the Democratic Party and go Green – that is to say join Nativo Lopez over at the Green Party. Then they ought to do what I did when I quit the GOP and mail or fax copies of their new voter registration cards to their county Democratic Party Chairman; the state Democratic Party Chairman; and the Democrat National Committee Chairman. And let them know why they are leaving.
Protesting at Congresswoman Sanchez’ office is a giant counterproductive waste of time. These activists need to stop wasting their time and get busy doing something useful. Sheehan could use their help.
You can read Sheehan’s campaign announcement at her website, at this link. In her own words, “I dedicate my candidacy to the people of Iraq and Afghanistan that have been tragically harmed by Bush Co. with the complicity of Congress, Inc.” Si se puede!
Don’t be so stupid.
First of all, it’s San Francisco, not Berkeley that Speaker Pelosi represents.
Secondly, Protesting Lorretta’s open house was at the very least courageous, at most AMERICAN.
My Godson, nephew and Brother (the latter by assigignment for CNN) are in Iraq right now.
Who from the Winship, Mills, Pedroza or Gordon families are there. Why then are you not questioning this horrific war?
In the spirit of debate…..
Thanks for the correction, which I made to the post.
Protesting at Sanchez’ office was not courageous. It was dumb. You want courageous? Go protest at Rohrabacher’s office. He will probably attack the protesters!
Blessings to your relatives in Iraq. My cousin is there too.
I have questioned this war from the start, but what does that have to do with Sanchez? If you ask me, you have to wonder if some of these protesters are racist. They rather rag a Latina instead of going after Campbell, Royce, Rohrabacher, etc.
As I wrote in this post, the best thing your protester friends can do to further their cause is drive up north and help Cindy Sheehan. Let’s see if they can do something constructive instead of bothering someone who has a fairly good record against the war.
Some of you may know the story of the family called “The Fighting Sullivans”. Back in 1942, these five brothers were all killed fighting in WWII. A whole generation of this family stepped up to fight for America, and they were all wiped away in the space of a single day (Three were killed by a torpedo, and the other two were eaten by sharks after their ship was sunk). It was such a tragic story that rules were put in place to prevent anything like that happening again. Hollywood commemorated the family’s sacrifice in a film. You can read a bit about that here:
How America has changed in just 65 years.
Today, we have The Fighting Romneys. Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney also has five strapping lads. Like the Sullivans before them, they’ve felt the call of destiny,glory, and patriotism.
Unlike the Sullivans however, they put the call to duty on hold, and decided to stay home. They believe in America, but are content to let someone else do the dirty work. Why defend the flag, when it’s so much nicer to just to wave it? But, before you judge them too harshly, heed the words of their father – “One of the ways my sons are showing support for our nation is helping me get elected because they think I’d be a great president.”
I don’t know about you folks, but that just gets me a little bit choked up.
God Bless America, and God Bless the Fighting Romneys….
In this case, no se puede!
There is no difference between the Dems and the Reps. I was a Rep (and still am a Rep due to lack of energy to fill out a new card with DTS) and I see lots of hypocrisy. Fiscal conservatism was my cause and I saw earmarks. The Dems are stretching this war out so they can have Hillary elected. I oppose this war because it is screwing our kids. Our young heroes fighting there are getting screwed by fighting for an unappreciative society. The Romney kids and all others still here are screwed by the deficit and debt we are leaving for them to pay. I will vote libertarian and hope other disillusioned Reps do the same. I suggest all Dems sick of this SNAFU to vote Green.