As to the Republican team it is much to early to engage in any similar scenarios.
Political strategists typically promote a team from different areas of the country who can carry their own states and have their own following. Teaming a northern and a southern partner has been used in prior presidential elections. A package of Hillary and Barack would not, in this writers opinion, help the DNC capture the Red states of Texas and Florida.
Where is Dan Quale when we need him? Only joking!
Larry —
They are both from Illinois. I think the easily take Florida which is very much a swing state. Plus, I think Arkansas, Iowa, Ohio and New Mexico all swing blue. In 2006, Dems made huge strides in Indiana.
National polls still show Dems way ahead of any/all Republicans. Even Dan Quayle would have a decent shot this time around.
I think Clinton/Richardson makes more sense.
Gore/Richardson however would be the real deal.
As for the Reeps, the best they can hope for is Rudy/Freddy. Romney, McCain, Tancredo etc. are not going to have a shot in the general.
Obama for the Supreme Court!