John Seiler, a former O.C. Register editorial writer, is now publishing a political blog – and he is already making waves. In a post today, he called for the ouster of Assemblyman Jose Solorio (D-Anaheim) via a recall.
Seiler was reacting to an editorial in today’s Register by Steven Greenhut. In that column, Greenhut discussed what happened at the Assembly Public Safety Committee that Solorio chairs, when they were supposed to be voting on a bill regarding bad cops – SB 1019.
Here is an excerpt from Greenhut’s editorial, “The Brotherhood”
I’m a Republican but I’m also realistic and realize that there is no way a Rep. can win this seat. I hope the Rep. party doesn’t waste any $$$ on that race this time around. I agree that Tinajero and Nativo Lopez are both good options. Tinajero has a free shot because he does not run for council again for 3 and a half years. He can run and even if he loses he is still on the council. That is why Solorio worked so hard to try to beat Sal. He is very afraid to have to run against him. It will be tough though. I got a fancy FREE mailer from Solorio today on Health Care. He gets to send out mail like that paid for by taxpayers that gets his name in front of people on a regular basis. If someone is going to run against him they better get going. You can count on the police and fire unions spending BIG MONEY this time around to say Thanks to thier boy Jose!
Art—The Register is just a House GOP organ—if Seiler was serious he’d be wanting to recall Ackerman and everyone who voted against this bill. Republicans are against it en masse but not a peep from Seiler about recalling the Reds.
Here’s a wake up call-Solorio is going to be re-elected. I don’t agree with this vote of his but I don’t see it as creating big problems for him except with you and Seiler–and both of you had problems with him already.
Armando–great guy but if he had trouble raising money for an open seat what would it be like against an incumbent?
Sal–Why would Sal want to get rolled? He’s got a future that an ill-timed run could jeopardize.
Michelle–She IS the brightest star in town but needs to get more experience. Let her build her experience and name recognition instead of sending her on a kamikazee run. She’s on the fast track right now—a kamikaze run would just have Fabian shoot her down.
Galloway–Unless you’re using your Carlos logic(he can’t win re-election so why not run for something else)I don’t see it. She’ll be lucky to hold on to her council seat.
Jordan– His focus is to try and get appointed to fill the vacancy….and then be a good school board member. Running for partisan office right after an appointment would be bad form.
Nativo— Is this an early April fools joke?
Lorri Galloway lives in Anaheim Hills and in the 60th Assembly District. That would be one Hell of a carpetbag for her since the 60th and 69th aren’t even adjacent districts.
Then again, Tom Umberg did carpetbag from Villa Park and the 60th into Santa Ana and the 69th.
“I hope the Rep. party doesn’t waste any $$$ on that race this time around.”
They didn’t last time I around. I should know.
No matter how you cut the cake you will end up with a corrupt Mexican.
Sal is SAPD union’s ass kiser as is anyone else and Michele is voting with Pulido.
“The Register is just a House GOP organ.” Except that Greenhut quit the GOP this year. And Seiler is now free to write what he wants, as he retired from the Register.
As for Nativo, he is more of a Halloween nightmare for Jose than an April Fool’s Joke. Who do you think organized the massive protests in L.A. and Santa Ana a year ago?
Nativo will be getting several panicked phone calls today from Jose’s “friends.”
Even the GOP poster who contributed post #1 agrees that Nativo is a good option…
Jose will be having a rough day today.
Me thinks Bladerunner doesn’t want to see anyone run against Solorio.
You’re killing me Art. Why the heck are you listening to a nutbag like John Seiler. The guy also thinks trying to cure Parkinsons Disease is a form of cannibalism and thinks there is a conspiracy of 8 that rule the world. He drinks the John Birch Society kool-aid, why even give him the time of day.
If him and some nuts launch a recall effort, I will happily oppose it anyway I can. We finally have an Assemblyman with real clout up in Sacramento. And to recall someone over one bill, please, if we recalled our legislators because of one bill we disagreed with them on, we would be having a recall virtually everyday.
Tell John Seiler, who doesn’t even live in the 69th AD, to stay out of Santa Ana. He has shown his contempt for the Latino people of this city, stay out and never return John.
Claudio. Obviously you have no real knowledge of what is going on in Sacramento to make such an absurd statement that Solorio has clout in Sacramento. Why is he not even being considered for Speaker? I hear Kevin DeLeon and Hector DeLaTorre are already working the room. Pobrecito Solorio, he’ll never have enough money to play with the guys who run Sacramento. Claudio, exactly how does Solorio feel about driver’s licenses for non-citizens? Uh-huh. Those L.A. boys (many of whom are friends of Gloria Romerio) know enough about Solorio to make them laugh.
“Tell John Seiler, who doesn’t even live in the 69th AD, to stay out of Santa Ana”
Then tell us all why you write post sticking your nose into Costa Mesa’s business?
Don’t kid yourself–the Register may bitch slap the GOP in a family feud sort of way but they will still crack back at Dems much more then at the Reps. As for Greenhut, just look at his editorial asking Trung to back off of Janet…he said it would hurt the GOP and make it easier to elect a Dem to the Board–Heaven forbid.
As for Nativo, he can’t run as a Dem–he’s a Green. And most of his supporters aren’teligible to register to vote. As for the Anon Rep., why wouldn’t they want Nativo or Sal to run. Anything to make Jose spend more money at home and not work to raise it elsewhere. The Seiler Siren Song.
So that everyone is on the same page-Solorios refusal to Romero to bring her bill to vote in the Public Safety committee last week and then tell her that it would be voted on this week and then turn her down was not initiated by Solorio-This was a Nunez move all the way. Solorio was the pawn in the Nunez/Romero relationship.
Bottomline is this, LAPDs Bratten is one of the principal supporters of this legislation. There is NO ONE IN LAW ENFORCEMENT IN CALIFORNIA with greater clout and impact than BRATTEN. This legislation will come about again and pass-there are too many incidents of police misconduct and a lack of transparency with respect to disciplinary proceedings involving that misconduct. An excellent example is the series of stories done by the San Francisco Chronicle on the SFPD and its officers involved in excessive use of force on a recurring basis, the litigation, the role of the police union in blocking any type of discipline and any type of adminstrative changes needed to get rid of these bad cops. I suggest focusing on the Harvard med School student out of UCLA that was tasered some 20+ times in one incident. The same cop was involved in several situations that, overall, mirror each other in the excessive use of force. The point here is that this legislation is a tool to combat such behavior.
With respect to the relationship between Romero and Nunez, there is no love lost between the two. The two have mutual distrust of each other. The interjection of the police union and their threat to disrupt Nunez’ term limit legislation was enough to send Nunez to direct Solorio to quash the bill. No suprise to us that walk the halls of the state legislature that this was going down without vote in the policy committee (Public Safety headed by Solorio-vacancy created by Nunez removing Leno (of SF-read SFPD) who supported the Romero bill) and that there would not be a rehearing and vote-even tho Solorio said he would. Solorio only doing Nunez bidding against Romero (remember Romero is one of the two (Jackie Spears being the other) legislators who put the screws of accountability to the Dept of Corrections and Rehabilitation for the expansive and comprehensive level of agency waste and mismanagement. Remember this is an agency that takes 1/10 of the entire state budget with no end in site in the near future and with no hope of organizational change in the near future (read yours or my lifetime)-Romero is perceived (by Nunez) to have her own agenda and to be out front with it. The only way to control the situation was to prevent her from having a NUNEZ stage.
Well, well, well,
My, oh, my,
Thank you anon #12 for pointing out the obvious. “Solorio was the pawn” Exactly, just as he was Pulido’s pawn on the SA council.
Claudio says “clout”. Jeez, what a suck-up!
Having been around LA politicos, there is just no challenge from OC neophytes like Solorio.
Solorio’s credibilty can only improve if he runs from his real hometown of Wasco, otherwise he is just another clown in a suit.
Assembly terms are too short for a recall to be effective. Save the money and support a decent candidate in the regular election.
Armando DLL, been there, done that, got a t-shirt–NO
Sal T., give me a break, just another Solorio in a fat suit as far as poitics go–No
Michele M. very new & idealistic, but has too much to accomplish in SA before she takes the leap to assembly–Not yet
Lori G. Indepentent & to me the best of the list and I’m sure Umberg will sub-lease out that condo–Yes
Jordan B. sorry don’t know him–??
Nativo L. He should run just to keep all the candidates on their toes, plus he can raise a lot of money with most of LA politicos connections–Sure, why not?
Why shouldn’t Sal Tinajero run? He has a free shot in that he won’t lose his council seat. If the worst thing that can happen to him is what? Lorretta Sanchez and Curt Pringle both lost council races before getting elected. Jose Solorio got his clock cleaned by convicted Felon Ted Moreno before he won his first race. Soloio’s “people” will try to do all they can to clear the field for him but with bonehead votes like this, there is always that chance he could lose. Sometimes there are lifestyle issues that come to light or other issues that also make it hard to get re-elected. Anything can happen in this business (ask Barack Obama who got his big break after a sex scandal).One thing is for sure, if you are not in the game, you cannot win. Sal had the whole world against him and lots of neg campaigning by Jose and his buddies but nothing stuck! I’m sure Jose will try to cut a deal with Tinajero to keep him out of the race but I don’t see Sal going for it.
Poster 13,
I would love to see Nativo jump into this race. The Solorio hacks would be running for the hills! It would be great drama…
Sal Tinajero is a slug. He allied himself with the wrong people on the school board, including one member who was recalled. He has been absolutely useless on the Santa Ana city council and even missed the most important budget vote.
He regularly flakes on meetings with the public and constituents.
This is not leadership.
If Sal is the kind of politician who thinks that the Santa Ana city council is nothing more than a stepping stone to another office, the people of Santa Ana should take note, and not even vote this Bozo for dogcatcher.
I see you are free and loose with the name calling. It was awfully brave of you to do so while posting anonymously. That shows you character, or should I say lack thereof.
Sal did not align himself with Robby Richardson and Noji did he? The question is did you?
He has never flaked on a meeting with me or anyone else that I know of. Just because he has chosen to ignore kissing up to the “usual suspects” does not make him a flake. It makes him a class act in my book.
As for missing the vote on the budget, it comes up for a second reading again tonight. He will vote on it then. I am sure you will bellyache about that too.
If you are gonna come in here and call names at least have the courage to post using your real name. If not, slither back into the sewer that you came from you coward.
The reason Jose Solorio is not being considered for the speakership is because he is not from Los Angeles. Do not fool yourself into thinking that he does not have clout in Sactown.
Aren;t you nothing more than an Art Hoffmann/Ruth Hull-Richter hack? No wonder you love to rip Jose and Claudio after they gave your faction one hell of a bitch slap last January. Give it up, THEY WHOOPED YOU GUYS FAIR AND SQUARE.
Do any of these bloggers have real daytime jobs?
This is wacko city.
Deflect! Deflect! Deflect!
Instead of making it about Sal’s performance, you twist it into being about people posting anonymously (a feature allowed on this blog that most of the respondants choose to use).
Sal Tinajero did become part of the new voting majority after Nativo was gone. He was also a member of the executive board.
Sal has also failed to appear at ComLink and other neighborhood meetings where he was on the agenda. He did not show up for some other meetings with community leaders, and did not call or notify anyone he wouldn’t be there and just left everyone waiting. Now you know.
A second reading does not offer the same opportunity for discussion or debate on the budget or the opportunity for changes. It is merely a thumbs up/thumbs down vote for what those councilmembers that did show up previously voted on.
Art allows anonymous postings on this site. If you have a problem with that, maybe you should address it to him. When that option was removed, responses dropped by a huge percentage.
Your over the top attacks on some people have probably prompted even more people to post anonymously, in order to avoid becoming a target.
Not everyone who posts this way is a coward. Even your co blog authors have done it from time to time.
Sean Mill don’t kid yourself into believing you know what goes on in the halls of Sacramento. You haven’t figured out yet that you are just a pawn on the 8th floor.
I generally agree with much of your political insight. However, to say that Solorio has clout is just plain wrong. On what do you base this opinion?
Jose’s terms on the council are not a secret. The leadership does its homework and knows that did noththing to right the ship in Santa Ana. His term on the council was uneventful and he bowed to the Mayor at every opportunity. What that tells the leaders in Sacto is that Jose is not a leader but a follower. He takes orders well and won’t cause a stink provided he gets his salary and traveling expenses covered. Bottom line: the leaders will take Jose for granted and Jose will acquiesce at every turn. Hell, this is Jose’s only known form of political survival.
I figured since you are a student of SA politics you’d have known that.
I am not deflecting anything. If you wanted to make this about Sal’s performance why did you have to resort to name calling? Posting anonymously is a feature of this blog, however if you are going to attack and name call you should at least have the courage to do it using your real name. The way you folks operate is by hiding in the shadows and spewing venom and hate, then when you go out in public you play the “nice guy/concerned citizen” role. What a bunch of phoney clowns you people are.
As I said, Sal has never missed any meetings with me or anyone else I know. As far as missing Comink goes, who cares? Talk about a waste of tax dollars.
As far as his siding with the Richardson Cabal, that is laughable. He was the president of the board until Robby and the new majority removed him. You on the other hand were likely a big supporter of Robby and friends. How is that working out for ya?
“Over the top attacks”? Are you referring to my truth telling about the felon/tax cheat from Wilshire Square? Since when is telling the truth considered an “over the top attack”?
You are right, not everyone who posts anonymously is a “coward”. However if you a brave enough to call Sal Tinajero and others names, be brave enough to do so using your name. Until then you are a COWARD with a capital “C”.
That is pretty funny. I am a “pawn” of the 8th Floor. Sure!
I most not have gotten the memo or my marching orders from the Pulido/Ream Cabal yet.
You would be remiss to believe that Jose has no clout in Sacramento. Of course he derives most of that clout from Fabian Nunez, but his big monetary contributions to the Assembly Dems last election have bought him some clout. His committee assignments are nothing to laugh at either. His ties to Richie Ross also account for something up there in Sacramento.
Re: #19
You’re not even in the ballbark.
I have been a registered democrat since I was allowed to vote back in ’89. I have no idea who you are referring to. My insight comes from personal contact with these individuals I have contributed to Armando, Sal, Michele, and Nativo in their campaigns. As with Solorio, I know him personally and also have contact with him occasionally but not on his campaigns. Claudio is too much of a clown as far as I can tell from his writings so I have no desire to get to know him personally. Soooo, #19 guess again.
Sean, you big lug. Richie Ross is nothing more than a campaign consultant that has won and lost an equal amount of big elections.
Sean, also, can’t you and all you other bloggers quit harping about “anon” posters. Without us, this blog wouldn’t be as influential(clout, if you will) as it is today. Case in point is the “SAUSD Injustices” So please, lay off that point and heed #21 Anon’s last point.
When people feel free to post with their own names about problems in Santa Ana, it will be because things have changed enough to do so.
Lots of cities are okay with their citizens and critics using real names without cooking up plans for retaliation. Santa Ana just aint there yet.
“Richie Ross is nothing more than a campaign consultant”
CQT you are correct, Richie is a campaign consultant. He is also a very powerful player in Sacramento. With the advent of term limits he has become more powerful. Don’t kid yourself into thinking he has no sway in the halls of power.
#28 I am always willing to put my name to my posts. I feel that if someone is going to come in a spit acid all over folks like Sal Tinajero they should at least put their names to it.