Matt Cunningham, editor of the Red County/OC Blog, has posted links to the petition to force the Anaheim Union High School District’s Board of Education to rescind the appointment of racist Anti-Mexican Trustee Harald Martin (see picture on right), and to compel them to hold a special election to fill the seat once held by recently deceased Trustee Denise Mansfield-Reinking.
Thank you Matt! Here is the information you need in order to get involved in this effort:
- Here’s the actual Petition for a Special Election.
- Here’s the very important “Instructions for Petitioners.”
- Here’s the equally important “Rules for Petitioners” (do’s and dont’s).
- And here’s a map of the boundaries of the Anaheim Union High School District.
Si se puede! It is time to take this guy out with the rest of the garbage.
Kudos to Assemblyman Jose Solorio and Santa Ana Councilwoman Michele Martinez for their early support for the petition effort. Thanks also to O.C. Board of Education Trustee Dr. Alexandria Coronado for slamming Martin from the minute he was appointed.
I wonder what is up with State Senator Lou Correa? I know he is a longtime friend of AUHSD Trustee Thomas Holguin, who voted to appoint Martin, but c’mon Lou – this one is an easy decision for you. Martin needs to go and you need to announce your support for this effort RIGHT NOW. Same goes for Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez. The train has left the station – Sanchez and Correa need to get on it ASAP.
BTW, a pajarito reported today that former legislator Lynn Daucher will soon be announcing her support for the “Basta con Martin” campaign any day now. Wouldn’t that be something if she did that before Correa? Wake up Lou! You’re gonna look bad if you sit on the fence this time.
This is big mistake Arturo!
Accordingly, I have advised Santa Ana Councilwoman Michele Martinez.
Anon Poster #1,
Did you use your real name when you contacted Councilwoman Martinez? I don’t think she cares what some anon person has to say.
The big mistake by the way was the appointment of Martin. The correction is to toss the bum.
Doing the right thing is never a mistake. Whether the fight is successful or not, the time has come for the people to be heard – the appointment of Martin is not healthy for the community. He is a divisive person.
Remember well, three of our most important words … We the People.
“Doing the right thing is never a mistake.”
#3 Doing the Mexican Nazism is not right thing!
By doing the Mexican Nazism you are setting up the grounds for a bloody civil war in the South-West a.k.a. Aztl
Anon # 4,
You should seek psychological assistance.
Keeping the community apprised of what’s happening at AUHSD is important. Keep up the good work.
Since some of us are NOT residents of AUHSD, I think it’s important to post the address where we can send our donations to make this recall a success. This is a mammoth undertaking and in the end, money will be needed to accomplish the task.
Please post prominently and OFTEN
the address of where to send our donations.
Kudos to SAna Council member Martinez and Assemblyman Jose Solorio for stepping up.
Lou, what are you waiting for?
Thank you.
Poster 6,
Thanks for the reminder! Here it is:
Los Amigos PAC
c/o Russell Barrios
235 E. Maple
Orange, CA 92866