As some predicted, the new O.C. Register Immigration Blog is quickly turning into a Mexican Bash Fest. Witness these comments:
# sherrie gibson Says:
July 15th, 2007 at 1:20 pm
living here my entire life and not being brought up in a racist home i am noticing that i am feeling quite a lot of animosity toward illegal immigrants. i think i would have to be an idiot not to feel angry toward a group of people who have come into the country illegally, increased the amount of crime, graffiti, overcrowding in schools and drain on resources. as a chiild i used to visit my grandparents in orange and on the way we would go through santa ana and i always thought what a beautiful place it was. now it is such a shame to see what it has become and now like a cancer going unchecked, it is bleeding down harbor blvd. and into costa mesa. the illegals don
The President should pardon all the illegal aliens making them legal residence aliens. Then he would have his legacy.
Is being an
The Mexican immigrant bashing has been going on for months at the Register’s online commenting feature. It’s irresponsible, hateful and the publisher and editor need to hear from the public that it’s unacceptable.
More people need to take Joe Brown’s lead and CANCEL THEIR SUBSCRIPTIONS!
I don’t think perfect spelling is a sign of wisdom, and I make spelling errors myself. But I have to wonder about the people making comments. “Pourus?” “Politicions?” “Integrety?”
Kinda makes you think some child got left behind…
art – the examples you posted do not appear to be mexican bashing. Actually, those posts are quite mild.
Why is Sherrie Gibson blaming immigrants for the condition of Harbor Blvd as it leads into Costa Mesa? As she is reminiscing about Santa Ana in the 80’s and is comparing it to a cancer that has gone unchecked, why doesn’t she blame Mayor NO NUTS? Hasn’t he been in office since the 80’s? How did NO NUTS let the city deteriorate under his leadership? Oh I forgot, NO NUTS is the Wizard.
Maybe it’s time for new leadership. 😉
Someone never learned about run on sentences and capitalizing the first word of a sentence. I am sure Sherrie will blame illegal immigrants for her grammer disfunction.
Rather than trying to limit free speech, why don’t you try to lead a life that will change those stereotypes if in fact you believe that they are not correct? Why don
What “immigrant bashing” are you talking about, Arturo Pedroza? Regardless of her lack of spell check, Sherri’s comments are right on regarding ILLEGAL ALIENS from Mexico within our soverign borders!
There’s a BIG difference!!!
I’m sick of YOUR America bashing! I don’t see anyone over here sneaking across the Mexican border illegally to live there – except when they’re running from the police for crimes commited against American Citizens. It’s simple: Come here legally and there’s no problem; do it illegally and face prosecution and deportation at your own expense. That’s the law, deal with it!
Is being an
It’s comments like yours that have tagged us the Ugly American.
Anyone who uses the moniker The Wiz as in Grand Wizard already has a hateful agenda. Of course, most probably think the poster meant the Wizard of Oz.
That’s what too much TV does to the mind.
Here is their latest comment:
# The Wiz Says:
July 16th, 2007 at 1:28 am
Unfortunately, we live in a world where laws don
“Actually, those posts are quite mild.” Compared to what – Millard’s greatest hits?
#11, 12
Your comments are very reason why there newer will be any amnesty for Mexicans.
There is substantial difference between living the American dream and Mexican one.