Not to pick on Assemblyman Solorio…but today was not exactly a banner day for him. O.C. Register editorial writer Steven Greenhut reported on Orange Punch that “Sen. Romero personally called Asm. Solorio this morning to request SB 1019 be placed on his calendar. He refused. This refusal to hear the bill effectively kills the public access/open records bill for the year.”
That means that Solorio will wimp out again tomorrow and not allow SB 1019 – which deals with bad cops – to see the light in his Assembly Public Safety Committee.
Greenhut also reported today that, according to the Daily Pilot, “Newport Beach and Orange County officials may take their battle for control of the Harbor Patrol to a new venue: Sacramento. Santa Ana Assemblyman Jose Solorio plans to introduce a bill that would give the Orange County sheriff ‘sole and exclusive authority’ for security in the county’s harbors and along its coast and waterways. If the bill were approved, it would put the kibosh on talks between Orange County supervisors and Newport Beach city leaders, who are considering a city takeover of Newport’s Harbor Patrol services.”
So once again Solorio is kissing the cop union bosses’ collective butts, instead of trying to help the taxpayers. The Newport Beach city leaders ought to give Nativo Lopez a call and let him know they will be funding his primary campaign against Solorio!
To top that off, Martin Wisckol reported today, over at Total Buzz, that Solorio “has been named to the Hillary Clinton campaign’s National Hispanic Leadership Council Executive Committee.”
Hillary?!? Why didn’t Solorio endorse the ONLY Latino Democrat in the race – New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson? Vendido!
Let’s take a look at the Clinton record on Latino issues.
According to the San Francisco Chronicle, “Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996: A tough border crackdown initiated by the Republican-led Congress and signed by Democratic President Bill Clinton, the 1996 law was a backlash to the amnesty enacted 10 years earlier. Spending on border enforcement soared. Combined with 1986 border measures, border enforcement spending rose from $1 billion to nearly $5 billion a year. Spending for detention and removal grew more than 750 percent. Barriers were erected in San Diego and El Paso. The law had the unanticipated result of interrupting circular migration patterns and trapping Mexican immigrants in the United States. Illegal immigration continued to rise from the late 1990s to today.”
That doesn’t sound good.
How about this list of Clinton failures in Latin America, from the Heritage Foundation:
- Bill Clinton failed TWICE to expand NAFTA to Chile, in 1995 & 1997.
- Failed to include Caribbean and Central American democracies in NAFTA.
- Failed to create a real democracy in Haiti.
- Utterly failed to deal with Cuba. He did nothing when they shot down two planes with American passengers, over international waters. And he failed to develop an effective strategy for promoting the growth of democracy in Cuba.
- Failed to negotiate a continued U.S. presence in Panama.
- Failed to stop drug trafficking in Latin America.
Solorio is backing Hillary for the same reason he is ineffective in Sacramento – because he is doing what he is told to do by Fabian Nunez. Solorio is his lapdog just as he used to be Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido’s lapdog. The man has no pride and no huevos to speak of. I cannot understand what anyone sees in him.
Newflash to Art: It’s called political survival. If Jose wants to stay in the assembly, he is wise to obey Nunez. Jose did the same with his former taskmaster, Miguel Pulido. Hopefully, you are not suprised by Jose’s sole interest in self-preservation.
Nunez will dump enough money into Jose’s next campaign (assuming it is necessary) so that he’ll win again, despite any horrible policy decisions.
It’s how politics works Art. Money wins races, not positions on policy.
Solorio is only a pawn, only a pawn. He holds his head in his hands, forever relegated to being a pawn. How sad for him not even to be a “rook”, much less a “knight”. The role of a pawn is sure a long shot from governor he once claimed to aspire. Sad indeed 🙁
Hillary will not be our next President. Solorio is hoping she will and maybe get a special appointment to head a department under her administration. But you know what, Pulido, Mayor Chilango, thought Al Gore would get elected as President and apoint him as AmbASSador to Mexico. It didn’t happen for Mayor Chilango and it won’t happen for your dwarf assemblyman.