Senator Tom McClintock remarks at Principles over Politics breakfast

Earlier today Senator Tom McClintock was the honored guest speaker at the monthly Principles over Politics breakfast meeting that was created by the honorable Assemblyman Gil Ferguson. Although Gil, who recently passed away, will be missed, Tom encouraged all of us to carrying on the tradition of Gil’s political activism. Carrying on the POP tradition, long time club member Marianne Zippi has taken on the huge task of serving as Executive Director of this very popular non partisan group of concerned citizens. She did a superb job for her first meeting in a leadership role. It was great to see Anita Ferguson at the meeting.

Senator McClintock’s presentation, to a sold-out ballroom where every seat was occupied, ranged from the foundation of our Nations discourse to property rights, illegal immigration and voting by Congressional Districts versus the traditional “winner take all ” system.

During our breakfast we saw a 10 minute memorial video from Gil’s Memorial Service (that can be viewed on the Cutting Edge-a talk show home page.

In spite of his remaining a stalwart conservative voice in Sacramento. Tom mentioned that “our governor has taken a liberal turn to the left” and that “our president has all but surrendered our southern border.”

As to the immigration debate Tom said we simply need to “enforce current law and finish the fence.” He later stated that “he supports Amnesty.” Yes, you read that correctly. “He supports illegal immigrants who return to their country of origin and get in line,” and properly apply like million of others since we instituted quota’s for every country.

For additional information on future Principles over Politics meetings, or membership, contact 949.644.7094

Post by Juice bloggers Ron Winship and Larry Gilbert

About Larry Gilbert