The Times is reporting that Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle will, like his amigo, Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido, continue to fund his local Chamber of Commerce. The Anaheim City Council voted 3-2, with Pringle providing the winning margin.
Kudos to Council Members Lori Galloway and Bob Hernandez for voting to stop this boondoggle!
Here is an excerpt from the Times article:
“Council members Lorri Galloway and Bob Hernandez voted against allocating $150,000 to the nonprofit group for the next fiscal year. They said a city audit showed that the chamber was having financial problems and that the group was not significantly increasing its membership, which is one of the terms of the funding agreement.
Mayor Curt Pringle and council members Lucille Kring and Harry Sidhu voted to renew the contract. Pringle said the chamber had improved its financial standing during the last two years and was worthy of funding.”
Chambers of Commerce should not rely on welfare to survive. They ought to be able to stand alone – and if they cannot break even they ought to be disbanded.
No wonder Pringle and Pulido are friends. They both rob the taxpayers to pay off their special interests.
Doesn’t Pringle have a mistress, i mean a special interest? With that in mind, I think he is more like Villaraigosa not Pulido.
Why is that #1? Because he likes girls?