No money in Santa Ana? Guess again!

The one refrain you hear from the City of Santa Ana’s administrators and City Council members is “we don’t have the money for that!”

Is that true? Let’s see where we might be able to find some extra money:

  • $2 million a year – cut the Bowers budget and let the rich guys on the board fend for themselves.
  • $5 million a year – We can get this by leasing the Bowers to the rich guys on the Bowers board. They can continue to keep the concessions money. Bowers chones for all!
  • $100K – no more handouts for the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce. Let those rich guys fend for themselves.
  • $25 million a year – possible savings if we outsource our police to the O.C. Sheriff’s Department. I am assuming about a twenty percent reduction in the police budget, which is $123,184,940.

Wow! in one year you could bring in $32 million that could be spent on new libraries, fixing our roads, fixing our parks and creating new parks, etc. Si se puede!

Over the course of the next five years you could realize $160 in savings! Or the city leaders could just continue wringing their hands and crying about the fact that we have no money. That isn’t true and we know it.

Now I know that some folks will scream and holler about outsourcing the police. But our co-blogger, Thomas Gordon, in recent weeks has twice called 911 and got ZERO results. One instance involved a tagger that he observed – the cops never showed up.

More recently, he saw a guy getting beat up by three perps – and again the cops never showed up. They asked if there were weapons involved – Gordon said yes, there were six fists being used to beat up a guy. And no one showed up.

I am sure we can get that kind of “service,” if not better, from the Sheriff’s Department.

This Monday night, at 6 p.m., you can let the city leaders know how you feel about all this, at the City Council meeting. You can read the agenda at this link. This is it folks. Show up and let your voice be heard – or else they will pass the new budget and keep wasting our money.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.