This time the O.C. Register admitted that the latest shooting in Santa Ana is indeed gang related. Here is their article to that effect:
SANTA ANA – A 15-year-old boy was shot in the head and a 17-year-old boy is in critical condition after being shot in the chest during a drive-by shooting Thursday night, authorities said.
The teenagers were standing in the 1800 block of S. Greenville Street about 6:20 p.m. when a car pulled up next to them, Santa Ana police Cmdr. Joe Kahapea said. Shots rang out.
The 17-year-old was hit once in the chest. A bullet grazed the 15-year-old’s head.
The car drove off, leaving the wounded boys behind. Investigators believe the shooting was gang-related but do not have a vehicle or suspect description, Kahapea said.
The victims were taken to UCI Medical Center in Orange, where the 17-year-old remains in critical condition.
So sad to see the killing….when will it end?
Has the SAPD made it to the scene yet, or are they busy writing stop sign tickets to keep city coffers full?
Has the SAPD made it to the scene yet, or are they busy writing stop sign tickets to keep city coffers full?
This happened just outside the front door of a fire station and just yards from Santa Ana Valley High School.Time to cut off the funding for General Ream and pull out of this war zone.
The fire station is in the 2300 block of S. Greenville, not the 1800 block.
So it now appears that there have been several shootings in Santa Ana this week. SAPD’s response:
Stepped up traffic enforcement north of 17th. Good job Chief Walters.
Why would SAPD go to the scene when they’re too busy looking in the mirror and combing their hair.
You want to stop gangs in Santa Ana, well then start at the top -SAPD. If you belong to that gang you can get away with driving drunk off your a#$ down Bristol St, stop talk to your buddies that are on duty, and then get back in your car and drive home, the whole time bragging about how you have a free pass to drink and drive. True story, seen it myself. But in all fairness I don’t think the whole police force is corrupt, I have faith that there are good ones out there.
The Register on June 23 reports on ICE arrests of more than 150 undocumented people with outstanding criminal charges over the previous 5 days, many in Santa Ana. One arrestee, identified as a 22 year old who had previouisly been deported, was quoted saying he is not a big time criminal because he has not killed anyone, as though he therefore should not be arrested and deported (again). This may be illustrative of the thought process of many “residents” of Santa Ana and all the candlelight vigils and marches in the world will not change that culture. Book ’em, Dano.
Re:# 9
This mental giant says ” all the candlelight vigils and marches in the world will not change the culture”.He?She believes the Latino community has a culture of crime.Community leaders and future leaders take note this is why we need to be active.Don’t rely on someone else developing this community.Their solution is to bus us all out, because amongts other things , (according to this individual) our culture of crime.Wake up be active.I am sure He?She also believes Latinos are geneticaly predisposed to crime.The individual arrested stated “he was not a big criminal he had not killed anyone”-questioning the sweep priority.He did not say he should not be arrested.The cummunity in the same article supported the arrests of the bad element in their neighborhoods.The sweep also netted Asians,Anglos and Middle Eastern fugitives.It sounds to me like #9 has an agenda and prejudice.
Despite what Lomeli thinks of Santa Ana, the face of the city is changing.
Over the next few years, the gentrification the council is currently engaging in will force out some of the poorer population.
Projects most recently approved by the council are medium to high density very expensive condo units in high rises. It will only be a few years until the urban professional outnumbers the current demographic. These new units cater to DINK families and singles, as opposed to large or multiple family living.
The older neighborhoods and developable properties are being neglected or rezoned and fitted with SP land use designations (look at how the Broadway parcels were allowed to become neglected slums and the residents forced out so the buildings could be demolished and replaced by One Broadway Plaza) that drive up the rents on adjoining apartments and artificially inflate local real estate prices, keeping lower income demographics out. New projects don’t include affordable housing.
This must be the long range plan of the new council, to eventually squeeze out or limit the growth of those demographics engaging in the gang behavior, and clean up the crime problems through attrition.