The Reagan Library played host to the kick-off Republican
Presidential debates. Chris Matthews did a great job as
the moderator. The entire cadre of contestants were very
well behaved but Fred Dalton Thompson was nowhere to be seen.
Governor Arnold and First Lady Nancy Reagan sat in the front
row and looked marvelous!
Mitt Romney won the debate…because of his slow, smooth
and polished approach to each question. The old….”How
Presidential did he look?” question got answered with the
Mitt. It would have been great to see Mitt take on Bill
Clinton….in the day! Two slick shoe sales guys in the
same room…would have been something to see.
Our man Rudy Giuliani did well…even though they wanted
to sand bag the boy…big time! He was asked 15 times what
his position on Abortion was! Surprised they didn’t ask
him to do a Seminar! All in all, Rudy stayed cool enough
to make it to the Final Four…with no problem. Who else
could answer…”How many Books of the Koran and what is
the difference between a Sunni and Shia dry cleaner?”
John McCain….gosh, if he was just as great as we wished
he could be! It must be that Senator thing. You get 100
elitist people in a room and the next thing you know…..
you become one of them! McCain looked tight…his voice
shook a few times and he misspoke a few times. McCain will
probably stay in the Final Four until Super January 2008.
Tom Tancredo was actually quite good. He seemed to get
better as the event went on. It must be all the practice
he has been getting on the John & Ken Show KFI……640.
Not doing so bad for a so-called “Johnny One Note” immigration
scion. He may stay in there longer than most.
We have no idea why Duncan Hunter is in this group. There
is little doubt of what a great American patriot (has two
kids presently in Iraq in the military!) the Congressman
is….but seems to just be carrying the water for President
Bush…to keep the notes on the table. He will get no money
and will get little support in New Hampshire!
Mike Huckabee….is the famous Governor of Arkansas and best
buddy of Bill Clinton. He was the guy involved in the Mena
Airport CIA Drug connection that Terry Reed talked about in
the book “Compromised!” Nice guy….but under single digit
connection. Is he Republican…really? He even lost 108 pounds.
Ron Paul is always a delight. Old time hockey….big time!
When American was free…always comes to mind. The days when
the Railroad giants ran everything. The days of Teddy Roosevelt
and San Juan Hill. We love Ron Paul…what a wonderful person.
Sam Brownback…represents all those traditional values and
Cavalry Chapel people. Sam is going to do the right thing no
matter what the cost. Sam is from Kansas..another Senator.
He really knows how to hide his native elitism. Much better
actor than McCain. But then he is from Kansas..what might you
Former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore is one of those credible
guys who has been around the block a few times and really has
nothing to lose. He is the definite rabbit in this race. His
job is challenge the front runners and be the test rabbit too!
He will evaporate after Iowa! Hoping someone might tag him
as a viable VP candidate.
Tommy Thompson is an old proven war horse. He knows more about
politics and how to do it than probably any of the others. He
just doesn’t have the guns to do much after New Hampshire. There
is little doubt that he has the game down without question. He is
a former Governor of Wisconsin and Secretary of Health and Human
Services for President Bush in his first term.(2001-2005)
So what was proven? Well, Obama and Hillary are going to be faced
by either Mitt or Rudy or both…and they better get used to it.
Sort of reminds us of the time we were driving through Yugoslavia
in the 60’s. We had just left Budva…a quaint medieval town on the
border of Albania and Yugoslavia on the Adriatic Sea. Think gypsy
music. We headed inland about 100 kilometers. We were stopped at
a Highway Inspection point in the outskirts of Titograd. “Where did
you sleep last night?” the young Policemen asked with Kalashnikov
rifle. “Budva!” we answered. “Where do you sleep tonight?” “Skojpe!”
we answered. “Well, Good by and Good Luck….the road to Pec is not
so good!” ………….We just love understatements!
So where is the blog report for Janet Nguyen soliciting and receiving illegal campaign contributions?
No. 1 – scroll down a few stories on the Juice page to this one: “O.C. GOP to help Supervisor Janet Nguyen pay off her debt”. You will see at the bottom of the responses this latest news is starting to be discussed.
I’m supporting Barack Obama.
He’s nearly a Republican!
US President Tim Kalemkarian, US Senate Tim Kalemkarian, US House Tim Kalemkarian: best major candidate.
Ron & Anna.
Thanks for the overview of the GOP presidential field.
In China the Communist Party makes it very easy for the voters. They provide the names of a dozen ” qualified” candidates and let you select 10. This is one area that I discussed with our Chinese national Guide. Who says they do not have open elections in their Country. Three weeks of Chinese food can truly wear on you.
He’s back!
Larry Gilbert
Welcome back Larry Gilbert. Looking forward to you getting back to blogging.