I drove by the immigration protesters in Santa Ana today on the way to the Santa Ana Housing & Redevelopment Commission. Little did I know that Red County/OC Blog’s Jubal/Matt Cunningham was there earlier in the day.
He made the contention earlier in the week that students involved in the protests would be truants – even though he himself referenced that the protest time would be 3 p.m. How many students are still in school at that time? Do the kids in the photo on the left look like truants?
Jubal reported that Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido showed up to the protest. Amazing. I guess he finally figured out that as our Mayor he ought to show up to such events. Of course he brought his stormtroopers (see picture on the right – and the picture of a Star Wars stormtrooper carrier below, on the right, for comparison’s sake). Jubal also reported that Santa Ana Council Members Michele Martinez, David Benavides and Vince Sarmiento were in attendance.
Jubal estimated that there were as many as 700 protesters there when he was at the protest. I could not see how many were there at 5:30 p.m., when I passed through the area, but there were quite a few people still engaged in the protest. The O.C. Register reported that 1,500 people showed up in Santa Ana.
I searched the news media for information about the protests and found several good quotes, as follows, from an article written by the Associated Press:
Oakland: “It’s sad to see little kids cry, that’s why we are here. … Everybody here is ready to do this again until they listen to us.” Jose Flores, 43, a Guatemalan immigrant who has become a U.S. citizen.
Los Angeles: “We just want to work. We are people, not animals.” Victor Vargas, 23, an illegal immigrant from Mexico.
Chicago: “Us immigrants aren’t pieces of trash, we’re human beings.” Melissa Woo, a 22-year-old American citizen who immigrated from South Korea.
Salem, Ore.: “Last year, they said they were going to do something, but nothing happened.” Luis Diaz, 45, an immigrant from Guatemala.
Indianapolis: “The other kids don’t respect us because we are immigrants.” Brenda Barradas, a 15-year-old student who was born in Mexico and is a legal resident.
Total Buzz reported that 40 Minutemen showed up this morning to protest the pro-immigration protesters. They quoted one of the Minutemen, “I just wanted to let people know there is another side because all you’re going to see on the news tonight is the pro-illegal immigration side,” said Donna Piscopo, 45, of Huntington Beach.”
I liked the other quote from Total Buzz, “I am not asking for anything from the government. All I want is for them to let me work with pleasure,” said Cruz, a Mexican citizen and father of three.”
KNX AM News Radio also covered the protests: “In Los Angeles, where May 1 protests in 2006 brought out several hundred thousand at various activities, about 25,000 came out for a downtown rally, said police Capt. Andrew Smith, incident commander for the march. A second rally was expected Tuesday evening. In Chicago, where over 400,000 swarmed the streets a year earlier, police officials put estimates at about 150,000, by far the country’s largest turnout.”
Now that the U.S. Congress is firmly in the hands of the Democrats, perhaps we will finally see some change coming from D.C. I would love to see green cards issued to those who have been working here for more than five years without committing any criminal acts. That way they could at least start paying taxes, buying homes, etc.
Total Buzz reported that Santa Ana Council Member Sal Tinajero also showed up to the protest, after he got out of work (he is a teacher). They also added that Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido was not at the protests last year because he was in Mexico. Talk about taking a wrong turn! All this time I thought he didn’t show up because he was at home, hiding from the masses. He had this to say about immigration reform and the council members’ decision to attend the rally, “I think this is very significant because through our presence we’re endorsing and encouraging resolution of this.”
Also, Jubal added more pictures to one of his stories about the protest. He seemed giddy at the sight of the Santa Ana Stormtroopers. The caption that accompanied the picture that is above, of the suddenly mounted police, reads in part, “Mounted police, ready for action.” He must have left disappointed since no immigrants were beaten.
I found a picture of a mounted Star Wars Stormtrooper to go along with Jubal’s picture of the mounted SAPD troopers. Life imitating fiction – again.
-I would love to see green cards issued to those who have been working here for more than five years without committing any criminal acts. That way they could at least start paying taxes-
Start paying taxes? Is not a failure to pay taxes a crime according to Mr Mill? Is not entering this counrty without permission a crime as well? How about working without the express written consent of the US government? That’s right, all crimes. What about re-entering the country after being deported? Yep! Felony. No amnesty. No way.
Anon #1 –
FYI – Seanny is only concerned with crimes committed by white people. Crimes by Latinos are not considered crimes in his book.
He made the contention earlier in the week that students involved in the protests would be truants – even though he himself referenced that the protest time would be 3 p.m. How many students are still in school at that time? Do the kids in the photo on the left look like truants?
Che Pedroza:
1) read the Total Buzz post that mentions the group of Orange High School students protesting down in Santa Ana at 11:00 a.m. today. I’d say they were truant, unless you think they got permission slips.
2) Students themselves were planning walkouts, so don’t act like referring to truants was some wild accusation.
3) I arrived at the Plaza of the Flags at 2:30 p.m., and there were plenty of school-age kids there.
Art says: “Of course he brought his stormtroopers (see picture on the right)”
A new low for PedRAZA: Calling the brave men and women of the SAPD “stormtroopers”. Absolutely disgusting & disgraceful.
I hope that when the day comes that PedRAZA might need police services at his house the dispatcher tells him that all of the “stormtroopers” are busy & to take care of the problem himself.
Rip whites. Rip Republicans. Rip anybody you want. Make yourself look silly. But leave the SAPD alone. What have they ever done to deserve such a label? A public apology is deserved…..but I wont hold my breath considering how much class you have….
THe march was a flop – they even had the wrong signs – lol – still had Gray Davis ones AND asking for their drivers licenses.
Art did you organize it – like the SA school board “protest”, or lack there of – lol!
” Is not a failure to pay taxes a crime according to Mr Mill?”
Actually it a crime according to the law.
#2 is obviously one of the “usual suspects” who is so consumed by their hate for me and the Latino community that they will say anything regardless of how ridiculous it may be.
You make the claim that, “Crimes by Latinos are not considered crimes in his book”. Do you have anything to back up this assertion? I highly doubt it. This is just more of your usual hate speak that we have all become accustomed to hearing from you.
You and the rest of the “usual suspects” continually spew ridiculous fallacies about me and the other with whom you disagree. I think you tell these lies so much that you might believe them.
Your claim that I only see “white people” as law breakers may be even more asenine then your claim that I want our city to be run down and blighted.
Your hatred for me and the Latino community may only be trumped by your hatred for fairness and equal opportunity. It is clear that you only want laws and community standards imposed on those whom you feel are inferior to you.
May God have pity on. Your hatred is destroying you like cancer.
#1. Those that don’t pay taxes is because they get paid cash.The employers that pay cash don’t pay employee taxes.That is a crime too.What about all the citezens that make tax loop hole laws and those that use them to not pay taxes?They enter this country without permission ,employers hire them without permission.Employers hire traffickers to fill their need for workers , our Government allows it.You use the services of employers that hire the immigrants you want deported.One can argue that all of the above are direct crimes or crimes by association. No one is clean on this issue.
#3.If the objection is truancy,why no mention of senior ditch day.At lest in this protest there is some significant objective.What significance does senior truancy day have.Where is the outrage here,if the concern is truancy.It realy isn’t.
Dear #4
Well, if the dispatcher does tell him that all the “stormtroopers” are busy, then why would we be paying these cops over $100,000 per year? Why do they deserve the big bucks here in SA? Is SA the safest city in the OC? So Cal? Cali?
Cops live for days like today. Not only does it bring their blood to a boiling point but also all that overtime is pretty sweet! Overall, it is just a big exercise in the display of power cops have over the citizenry. It kind of reminds me of pre-WWII tapes of Germany. It’s not so funny how things never really change in the history of the world.
Poster #4,
I just updated my post to include a picture of a Star Wars stormtrooper carrier. The Santa Ana cops appear to be a precursor to Darth Vader’s brigade. The similarity is eerie.
BTW, your favored SAPD cops are generally not to be found when you need them. Thomas Gordon called them the other day when he observed a brutal fight outside a liquor store. He finally gave up waiting for them. In times past he has had to wait over an hour for cops to show up when he calls them to report taggers…
As you know, you made those comments even though you had the flier that indicated that the protest would start at 3 p.m.
There are a lot of school children who get out of school earlier than 3 p.m., but I am sure a few of them did leave school early. That doesn’t make them truants necessarily. They are worried about their parents. Who can blame them?
Yeah Art the little ones in the pic you posted look really ‘worried’ about their parents.
And Art:
Oh yes — the resemblance between the cops on the Suburban and the imperial armored stormtrooper carrier with the twin-laser cannon turret is really “eerie.”
When I saw the SAPD picture it turned my stomach. This is not the sort of thing you hope to see in our country. Ours is not yet a police state and God willing it never will be.
It did remind me immediately of the Star Wars stormtrooper carrier. BTW, it was VERY difficult finding the picture of it. Thank God for the Internet!
As to whether the resemblance is eerie, it just depends on how much value you place on freedom and liberty…
That looks like a pretty dumb idea to have 6 police officers clinging onto a moving vehicle.
What exactly is that concept, captured in the picture, trying to convey?
After seeing how the McArthur Park situation erupted in LA, I’m glad to see that SAPD officers showed up ready to do the job.
Fifteen officers were hurt in LA. That didn’t happen here because SAPD did not allow the situation to get that out of control.
There were no permits issued in Santa AAna allowing streets to be blocked, and yet like last yuear, the downtown was terrorized and business dirupted as “protesters” came from areas outside Santa Ana and disrupted the residents and businesses.
At least it wasn’t a total repeat of last year’s riots.
SAPD did a good job yeasterday, but in the future maybe it’s time to hold these protests in Anaheim or Costa Mesa to give Santa Ana a break.
Poster 18,
I heard that the LAPD overreacted at McArthur Park and now they are being investigated. Figures.
With past incidents of marches, protests, even celebrations, turning into civil unrest in this country it is appropriate that the police are out in significant numbers, visible and ready. That may enable those who exploit a good photo-op or two for their agendas, but it is a necessary reality. We’ll never know what might have occurred had they not been there ready and visible. Good for the Santa Ana PD!
What were kids doing out of school anyway? Especially SAUSD kids?? Those kids are barely literate as it is. They should spend every waking moment of their lives in school.
Only in America can criminals stand up and demand special treatment! Only in America will criminals receive special treatment!
[Jubal] seemed giddy at the sight of the Santa Ana Stormtroopers.
I didn’t realize you were next to me observing when I shot that picture, Art. Oh that’s right — you weren’t! I described what they were — mounted and ready for action. I guess I could have added “if need be” to calm you down.
He must have left disappointed since no immigrants were beaten.
There’s the Art we know and love — when argument fails him, resort to personal attacks and constructing Straw Men.
When I saw the SAPD picture it turned my stomach. This is not the sort of thing you hope to see in our country. Ours is not yet a police state and God willing it never will be.
Art, they were just policemen wearing helmets. Would feel better if they were riding the running boards without helmets?
The Star Wars pictures make really compelling evidence of an emerging police state in Santa Ana.
And come to think of it, the Santa Ana Jail looks kind of like the semi-completed Death Star from “The Empire Strikes Back.”
Why don’t you throw in some Cylon pictures? That should render your point indisputable.
As you know, you made those comments even though you had the flier that indicated that the protest would start at 3 p.m.
As you know, Art, the rally started well before 3:00 p.m.
As you know, there were planned May Day actions other than the Plaza of the Flags rally, such as school walk-outs.
As you know, there were Orange High School students out protesting in Santa Ana before lunchtime.
As you know, Magnolia High School was on the list if California high schools planning a May Day walkout. I called the school yesterday to see if anything happened, and was told that due to the requested police presence at the school, the walk-out organizers had “chickened out.”
There are a lot of school children who get out of school earlier than 3 p.m., but I am sure a few of them did leave school early. That doesn’t make them truants necessarily.
True, but it also doesn’t necessarily make them not truant. And given the documented examples of students cutting school to protest, a reasonable person would conclude many of the students there were truant.
For a guy who regularly complains about book-mobile and library cuts, you sure do make a lot of excuses for truancy.
Let me remind you that you have all the free speech you want at your own blogsite. The fact that no one goes there or cares to listen to you is your problem.
I rarely, if ever, agree with your posted opinions, but I agree with the above comment 100%
You were wrong about Pulido. He did show up.
You were wrong about the school age children. There were plenty of them in attendance, well before school was out.
You’re wrong about the Police. The did their job. They made sure they were able to handle problems, if they arose, but stood back and allowed peaceful people to protest. Has their been trouble, and had it gotten out of control because not enough police were there, you would have blamed them for that too.
Morning Coffee
Morning Cafe,
Was I? Or did Pulido show up because I slammed him for the last year for not showing up last time? To me it looks like he learned his lesson.
As for the cops, I refer you again to the McArthur Park fiasco. Yes, police have a place at these protests, but our guys looked way too Draconian for my taste. I am sure that many of the “usual suspects” are probably not happy that their troopers didn’t end up beating up any immigrants.
And riding on the sides of a vehicle is a decidedly stupid thing to do. If I was a risk manager for the city, I would be asking quite a few questions about that today.
Finally, I never said there would not be kids there, but they did not turn out in the numbers we saw last year. And many were there after they got out of school.
Was I? Or did Pulido show up because I slammed him for the last year for not showing up last time?
Inflated Sense of Self Importance, thy name is Pedroza.
An enjoyable event. A lot like a family music festival.
It looked to me that everyone had a good time.
A note on the police presents. I think their highly visible presents stopped the outside agitators from ruining the day for everyone.
Honestly, would you have it any other way? It is always fun to cross swords with you…
We all run over to your site because of what we read about it here. Why not put the OJ link back up on your site?
No need to be envious 😉
Poster 32,
I think he did – at least the last time I looked.
I don’t often agree with Jubal, but the pictures and video he shot yesterday were a good effort and did add to the coverage of the protests.
I do expect this story to have legs for a few days. I’m sure Jubal and I will find more ways to disagree…
I don’t often agree with Jubal, but the pictures and video he shot yesterday were a good effort and did add to the coverage of the protests.
Thank you, Art. My pictures tended to be of the funkier element, because that element never seems to make it into MSM coverage of these events.
When shooting the videos, I tried to capture the entirety of the rally. I didn’t try to skew the footage by getting shots that only showed American flags or only showed Mexican flags.
My personal favorite is cutaway during the Pulido video to the little boy next to me who kept banging away with his toy cymbals while the Mayor spoke.
At the end of the day, these “protests” were a waste of time and resources.
We’re not seeing any new dialogue on the issue of immigration.
All the news is covering is a handful of stupid and obsessed protesters and the police reaction to them.
That’s all anyone will remember from this day’s protests. The reasons don’t matter anymore since the news will only focus on the backlash.
What a waste for all sides.
Where was Councilman Carlos “I’m a Mexican when I feel like it” Bustamonte?? Did he support the rally??
Thought for the Day!..
“The American Indians found out what happens when you don’t control immigration.”
It wasn’t an “I’m a Mexican” rally – it was an “Illegal Immigration – We Demand Citizenship” rally….probably why Bustamante was not in attendance.
Oh yeah and don’t forget they want their drivers licenses too…lol!
Poster 37,
Didn’t the British give the Native Americans blankets that were infected with smallpox? An act of bioterrorism is what that amounted to.
The Spanish intermarried with the Natives in Mexico. The immigrants you hate so much are the progeny of those relationships – and many are actually full-blooded Native Americans.
Art no one HATES immigrants…this Country was founded on them. It is unfair to those who do it right, for some to sneak across the border and then expect – no demand – citizens benefits.
I do not go into Mexico and DEMAND that I be taken care of by their hospitals…in fact if you do end up in a hospital in Mexico (or in an auto accident) they do not let you leave until YOU pay for it.
I don’t hate anyone. Intermarriage is fine. I just think immigration needs control.
I’m sure you are aware, that many Latins are race intolerant… perhaps even as much as “Anglos”. Social status in Central and South American countries is often based on how much European “blood” one possesses. In many Latin American countries individuals with Native American purity are seen as indigent low-life.
Art, Once again you got it just about half right. There are also many cases of INDIANS killing other Indians they way you describe. Besides, they got rights to build Casinos so it worked out ok for the Indians in the end!
Jubal –
Why are you such a jerk?
While I am not a big fan of Jubal’s philosophies and of a lot of things that he says, I think your comment is a bit out of line.
Perhaps you could address the issues you have with Jubal and debate them.
You’re not naive, so you must be deliberately disingenuous – SAPD Stormtroopers? The Chevy/GMC SUBURBAN akin to a science fiction warship? 6 cops, in short sleeve shirts and normal uniforms, with helmets only NOT FULL RIOT GEAR riding on the running boards of said SUBURBAN a threat to our freedom and liberty?
Dude, seriously – grow up. You lost my respect and patronage on this post.
Remember your freedom and peace loving friends – the ones who physically attacked Garden Grove cops monitoring the Minuteman speech last year? Yea – those same criminal thugs would most likely be at this rally. If the cops weren’t there, in force, to protect the population, I’m sure you’d be complaining about that.
Stop being an idiot, grow up, and deal with reality.
I don’t expect my readers to agree with everything I write – just most of it. LOL. Listen, you can count on me to not pull punches, to tell it like it is, etc. Just don’t expect that we will always be on the same page.
BTW, a friend of mine called the SAPD that night because of a bunch of unruly teenage cruisers. The dispatcher said there were NO cops available. They were all used that day and sent home. Imagine if something serious had occurred that night?
The cop presence at the protest was overkill. We are lucky that they did not beat up anyone. At least Pulido made it home safe…which I guess was the objective of the overkill…
The post was so ridiculously over the top – and you are savvy enough to know it – that it was laughable.
Take SAPD to task where appropriate, but all the Star Wars stuff, especially on a day when LA looked like some horrendous country with a -Stan in its name, is just stupid.
Sorry to sound harsh, but lets just put this in context.
You help run a ususally great blog. Yet, on the same day LAPD is shooting and beating down citizens and journalists – you decide to go off on SAPD and its alleged overreaction. You compare a bunch of cops sitting idly on horses and being transported by a soccer mom vehicle as “storm troopers.”
If you want to maintain credibility and stay relevant in the crowded blogosphere, don’t be ridiculous. Your post here was the definition of ridiculous:
“causing or worthy of ridicule or derision; absurd; preposterous; laughable”
Sure, there are problems with SAPD – but comparing them to fictional spacemen when they behaved as they should at the immigration rallies? For context, look at what happened in Los Angeles.
Do you know how many fine Mexican chicks I’ve hit on with promises of taking my hill?