The next Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) Board of Trustees meeting is tonight. You can download the agenda online. Here are a few highlights (with my comments following each item):
- Preliminary Class Size Reduction Status (This is the report we have been waiting for!)
- Update and Status of School Building Program (The district wants another bond! When will they accept accountability for wasting the money from the first bond?)
Just why are the minutes from previous board meetings OVER a month old and NOT posted? How is the community supposed to be kept up to date on decisions if the information is not available on television or on the website?
Many of us work and cannot be at the meetings on a regular basis. We still want timely information.
Where is it?
Agenda item:
1.3 Approval of Listing of Agreements/Contracts Between Santa Ana Unified School District and Various Consultants for Period of March 28 Through April 10, 2007
One of the biggest loss of funds intended for student use is to “consultants”. How much are they charging and what are they getting done?
In cleaning up the corruption in Orange Unified, it was found that millions of dollars were wasted on consultant groups that suggested solutions like: Display more student work consistently.
Let’s make sure if that is happening at SAUSD, that it is be made to stop immediately. We can’t afford to pay cronies and fakey-fakey consultant firms millions of dollars that are intended for classroom instruction.
Get the parasites off the dole.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for the “usual suspects” to show up. They care very little little about the children in SAUSD, in fact one of the “usual suspects” hatred of children is well known.
Their hatred drove them to get involved in the recall of Nativo, not their love and concern for the children.
Blogland …
The item about the BOE conferencing with legal counsel about an appointment of Discovery Referee for John Palacio is intriguing. What is a Discovery Referee? And how does this pertain to the SAUSD v Kirk Montgomery lawsuit?
Poster # 4-
Glad to see someone else has picked up on this. The entire “existing litigation” agenda deals with some really interesting stuff that was going on years ago. Check out TELACU and their history. They have been involved in the building of a couple of schools in Santa Ana. They were brought in a long time ago by the former SAUSD Board.
I’m pretty sure the Discovery referee is an attorney, paid for by SAUSD, to protect Palacio, during his deposition.
OC Register article: School enrollments fall for 3rd year
New state figures indicate the overall public school enrollment in the county dropped for the third straight year. For 2006-07, 503,836 students are enrolled in public schools, down from 510,114 last year.
Orange County figures mirror state numbers that indicate school enrollment in coastal communities shrinking.
Counties like Los Angeles, Monterey and San Diego are all losing students, while Riverside, Kern and Fresno counties are seeing record highs in school enrollments.
Officials at Santa Ana Unified, which had 63,600 students in 2004, are projecting their enrollment to drop to as low as 43,400 by 2014.
“People are finding out that they can move to the Inland Empire or Las Vegas, earn the same amount of money and live more comfortably,” said Don Trigg, Santa Ana Unified’s associate superintendent of business services.
Districts typically cringe at enrollment declines because it means less funding from the state. They lose about $4,000 to $6,000 a year for every student that leaves, meaning districts have to slash budgets and cut jobs.
The enrollment in private schools statewide has also decreased, by 8 percent since 2001, according to state figures.
Paid to protect Palacio? I’d rather think it’s to prevent Mr. Palacio from being deposed.
SAUSD vs. Kirk Montgomery is Richardson’s personal vendetta. Richardson failed to get the outcome he desired with the Del Terra lawsuit, so he’s moved on to SAUSD vs. Kirk Montgomery. I’d wager the district has already spent $750,000 supporting Richardson’s crusade to discredit a former board member Lopez and fellow board member Palacio. What a luxury to whittle away hard earned tax dollars with the sole purpose of justifying your recall election.
Richardson will run circles around all of you I’m afraid. He’s been doing this for 20 years and i’m sorry to say will make mince meat out of all of you!! You will need to have a REAL protest with signs and media if you want to have an impact. Watch out for the District Rent a Cops too! They might try to Rodney King you if you get too into it!
#8 says …
“Richardson will run circles around all of you I’m afraid. He’s been doing this for 20 years and i’m sorry to say will make mince meat out of all of you!! “
Is that why his martial status reads d-i-v-o-r-c-e-d?
Pick your top 10 favorite politicos at any level, Federal, Local, and State, and you will find at least 50% divorced. So what’s your point? He’s not your priest! You missed the point…he’ll stick kick your @#$ in a debate or just ignore you if you go to the meeting and protest. He gets paid for being there but you don’t. Go right ahead and waste your time! It ain’t worth much anyway!!!
Rob has made a career out of weaseling his way out of situations. He is not some sort of mythical figure that you make him out to be. He is just a better liar and snake than most folks.
He was about to lose his job with the city of Santa Ana because of harassment charges and Roger Stanton hires him and allows him to weasel out of it.
He is one of the architects of the county bankruptcy and he manages to weasel his way out of it.
Now he is one of the architects of the districts fraudulent class size reduction program. Time will only tell if he can weasel his way out of this.
Mano a mano, I am not to worried about ol’ “Eddie Haskell”.
#10 . I agree with your point on divorce.The rest is crazy.Do you want politicians who are good at kicking your @#$ in a debate and ignore you if you question them? I do not believe any one supports these kind of qualities in a public servant.They are there to protect the publics best interest not to present obstacles.
I think #9 is being cheeky. #8 observes Richardson will run circles around everyone. If that’s his modus operandi, it’s possible his *ex* got tired of these games.
#10.. atta boy. Stand by your man.
What do you mean divorced?
Are’nt all those phony “El Sol” Catholics behind him?
This guys a fraud and the parents are either too stupid to notice, don’t care or have something to gain.
Is the IT dept collecting overtime for monitoring this blog with masked IP addresses and tracking email sent to district employees? The same IT department that allows nudie pictures to be accessed by school computers because someone doesn
Please explain why an elected official should kick a constituents arse? If that’s Richardson brand of politics, then he doesn’t deserve to serve the people of Santa Ana.
I think a previous poster was graciously alluding to the fact, that Richardson isn’t all he purports himself to be. However, his party of choice – GOP – certainly makes hay about family values.
It sure wasn’t much of a protest at that meeting.
There were some signs the kids from Santa Ana High were holding… but they were for keeping their arts and elective programs, not the current board problems.
There was a moderate showing from the charter home school folks… but they were there on their own issue to see their charter get shot down.
Even your boy Claudio Gallegos got up and spoke… on an issue not related to the current CSR fiasco.
In fact, not one single person stepped up to address the issue of the attempted CSR fraud or accountability for the district actions.
Way to rally the troops!
What happened to the protest? Has the public figured out that despite bloggers’ huffing and puffing, that the elected school board may have actually not been involved with the attempted fraud?