Time to cut back on blog-hopping

I finally decided to stop spending so much time on the Internet. Specifically I won’t be “blog-hopping” much anymore. You can go to Blognet News and see all the blogs, both local and statewide, in one step. They offer other services too, such as rating the blogs, and finding out which ones have been linked to the most over the last week.

Orange County blogs have really taken off over the last two years. Although I started this blog before any of them, Red County/OC Blog became the most dominant blog after I took a year off to rest my wrists. I have a lot of writers helping me out now, so I am hoping to write less and let them pick up the slack.

We get ripped a lot at the Red County/OC Blog. That’s alright, but it does irk me when they pretend to be some kind of objective news source. Most of the time it is pretty obvious that the Republican political consultants and insiders at that blog are spinning on behalf of their clients and friends. That is their prerogative, but it certainly isn’t objective reporting.

We saw this during the recent 1st Supervisorial District campaign when most of the bloggers at Red County/OC Blog ripped Janet Nguyen without mercy, while playing up Carlos Bustamante and Trung Nguyen.

To be fair, their blog pen includes Janet’s friend and ally, Adam Probolsky, but he was outnumbered during this campaign. And towards the end he even got in hot water as his editor, Matt Cunningham, who was outed by the OC Weekly when he was hiding behind the anonymous pen name “Jubal,” revealed that Probolsky might have been involved in a shady political independent expenditure that helped Janet at the expense of Bustamante.

Consider what transpired on Election night, when Jubal/Cunningham went to the Bustamante election party with his video camera in tow. He sure appeared ready to record the jubilation, only to see most of the people at that party get up and leave when the results posted and it became apparent that Bustamante had royally tanked.

I used to visit the Red County/OC Blog site quite a bit, then I realized that all I was doing was giving them more hits – and thereby allowing them to charge more for advertising. Now I can follow their exploits at Blognet News and avoid giving them any hits altogether.

I also won’t be posting at any other local blogs going forward. If I have something to say, I will say it here at the Orange Juice.

The one OC blog that I will take time to visit is Liberal OC. They do great work – it is often quite entertaining, particularly their PhotoShop pictures.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.