Let’s have the CA Presidential Primary this Thanksgiving

I listened to former Congressman/Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich on the Sean Hannity radio program today where Sean asked Newt if was throwing his hat into the presidential arena. Newt was evasive with his non response other than to say he will let us know something later in the fall. The downside of a non commitment is that you might lose potential supporters, endorsements and campaign contributors by this delay.

Talk about voter apathy. Those of living in Orange County are still awaiting the outcome of the Special Election in the First Supervisorial District that was held on Feb 6th and already the media caravan is following multiple candidates for the 2008 campaign, from both major parties, around the country.

A Google search led to the following web sites. Hillary 4 President exploratory committee, Obama ’08, McCain 4 President and Rudy Giuiliani 4 President.

I can understand the need to campaign early when you are elected to the House of Representatives and serve only two year terms. However, for Senators or Governors to be spending so much time on the campaign trail, 18 months before the Nov 2008 election, is a disservice to the citizens who put them into office and the rest of us as their focus should be to set and debate foreign and domestic policy.
And to talk about voter apathy. When are we going to get a break?

I want to be first. No, I have always been first. So New Hampshire may move their Primary Election up to Jan 8th, 2008. Super Tuesday, which had been a major kick off date for multiple states in March, is now being moved up to Feb 5th where perhaps 20 states will pick their man (or woman).

Why wait. Let’s have the CA Primary this Thanksgiving where we can give thanks to all of the presidential wanna bee’s. As some may be perceived to be turkey’s that would be an appropriate day to watch and listen to them rather than the traditional NFL games.

In addition to their campaign staff and consultants getting started earlier, an early campaign will bring more revenue to the print and broadcast media. Those fortunate enough to have TiVo will be able to zip past the non-stop infomercials that will hog the airwaves at a time when we thought that odd number years were designed to give us a break from continuous political spin.

Although I may write about it, we all need a short break from the political debate.

And for you the readers.

Do you support the earlier primaries?

If so, why?

If not, chime in with your thoughts.

Thank you!

About Larry Gilbert