241 extension could lead to more fires in Orange County

Does anyone else find it ironic that the current fire in Anaheim Hills appears to have been set by someone who drove a car into the brush off the 241 tollway?

The Times reported that “The blaze was sparked when a car with stolen license plates was apparently moved off the 241 toll road at the Windy Ridge toll plaza in an unincorporated area near Orange.”

There has been a lot of debate about extending the 241. Environmentalists are concerned about its impact on wildlife – and now we have a stunning example of what can happen when you encroach on pristine areas.

The rest of the debate on the 241 has centered on the fact that the extension has a PLA on it. PLAs are project labor agreements – they ban non-union contractors from bidding on select public works projects unless they send their workers to the union hall.

Nothing against unions, but PLAs are not needed. That’s what CBAs (collective bargaining agreements) are for. Public works projects ALL are under prevailing wage rules – so everyone makes union scale to begin with. All PLAs do is limit bidders, increase the cost of bids, delay projects, and they don’t even prevent striked! You can find out more about PLAs at this link.

There are many reasons to stop the extension of the 241 – take your pick. Either way, as we see the fire raging over the next few days, remember that this repercussion was one of many predicted by environmentalists. Republicans love to rip on them – but sometimes they’re right. We should pay heed to their warnings regarding the extension of the 241. And we ought not approve any public projects that have PLAs attached to them.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.