Mrs. Darth Vader emerges in next DA race

Perhaps the worst news to come out of the recently concluded California Republlican Party (CRP) convention was that OC GOP “Godfather” Mike Schroeder is now planning to turn his wife, Susan Kang Schroeder into our next District Attorney. Say it ain’t so!

Red County/OC Blog broke the story. They listed the top reasons that Mrs. Darth Vader would win as:

1. The turning tide of the Asian Vote in Central Orange County makes an Asian candidate for county-wide office very attractive.
2. She would have the top ballot title

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.


  1. Pedrozabot


    Is there ANY elective office you are not pimping Claudia ALvarez for?

  2. Art Pedroza

    Poster 1,

    Welcome to the Orange Juice.

    As for your question, you do know that Ms. Alvarez works for the DA? Why shouldn’t she be considered for this office? What makes Mrs. Vader the better candidate? I trust that Alvarez will prosecute crooked politicians. The Schroeders will happily accept donations from the same creeps…

  3. Sean H Mill

    If this is true they sure screwed Spitzer.

    Kang-Schroeder the D.A.? What a horrible thought. It will just insure at least four more years of G.O.P. corruption in the county.

  4. Jubal

    P-bot has a point. You’ve been stretching Claudia a bit thin across the political landscape, lately.

  5. Jubal

    In various posts the last couple of of weeks you have her running for Mayor, Supervisor and now District Attorney.

  6. Art Pedroza


    If you saw as many Santa Ana concil meetings as I have, you would know that Alvarez is capable to hold any of those offices. She always asks the best questions at the council meetings.

    I mentioned her in this post because she works for the DA’s office.

    Alvarez is by no means perfect. She has angered a lot of her fellow Dems over the years. But she took major step toward rebuilding those relationships when she backed Umberg for Supervisor.

  7. Anonymous

    Spitzer has been jockeying for the DA position for at least 12 years. It looked like he was urged by Republican leadership to not run for it in last election and that by waiting he would be favorably treated in a run in the next election. If your post is true, he may feel somewhat double-crossed, which could make for some interesting times.

  8. Karen

    Susan Kang Schroeder is not fit to serve period! She yells at anyone who thinks defies her Hubby or her! Who does she think she is? GOD like her husband. There is a small thing called Freedom of speech that her and her husband have forgotten all about like Sheriff Carona has. Susan Kang Schroeder or Todd Spitzer will never get the job. Nether one of them has the experience to do it. Susan Schroeder will have her husband

  9. Anonymous

    Has anyone ever seen Karen and Stanly in the same place at the same time? Could they be the same person? If not then I think they should meet. A match made in heav….no..that other place.

  10. Anonymous


    Please..get off the Claudia thing. She has not changed. She’s simply trying to line up support for whatever office she decides to run for, because she’s termed out on the Council. *That’s* why she endorsed Umberg! Everyone knows that, and she will have no serious support, except yours, for any race. Find someone else to hype!

  11. Anonymous

    No one said Schroeder was the best candidate. They’re just sick of you trying to push Alvarez for every imaginable office. There are plenty of people at the D.A.’s office with more experience and better credentials than Alvarez. You somehow seem to fail to recall all the times she’s had her meltdowns, at Council meetings and other public events, and made a real *ss of herself. And what about her personal vendetta’s? This is NOT the type of person who should be in ANY position of authority.

  12. sac

    Does the DA go to the court rooms and try cases? Or is that person just a dept head/administrator?

    Lawyers are not very good administrators, just look at various messes the state and local governments are in, that have been run by lawyer administrators.

    They are some who say the best educated candidate should be elected. But what education are they talking about?

  13. Art Pedroza

    Poster 11,

    Go back and read my post! I said I would prefer Spitzer. However, Claudia, even with all her foibles, would be preferable to Mrs. Darth Vader.

  14. Anonymous

    Pathetic choice at best by the insider crowd and their attempt to white wash all the Republican mess.
    Susan Kang Schroeder is barely qualified to drive her Porsche, let alone be the DA

  15. Anonymous

    No none knows Claudia as I do. I have office dated her. Since I am not show-n-tell only thing I can say — she is good and that is good for politics.

  16. Anonymous

    (I have office dated her)

    Geez, Thanks Tony Rackauckas for the kiss and tell.

  17. Karen

    I just love how one has the GUTS OR THE B…. to put thier real names behind the blog responses. You hold no meirt people when you go
    “Anonymous Says”

    You call yourself Republicans?
    At least I the guts to speak out wth my real name no matter how hard you hit me in here. Come say hi to me in a supes meeting some time.
    Karen A Finn
    Police Officers Wife

  18. Anonymous

    Kudos to you Karen!

    However, the OC bloggers are biased so one must post anonymously.

    As long as socialists will control the press the truth will be suppressed.

    FYI, Karen Art is owner of this blog and is no longer the Republican. I believe that he now socialist like you.

  19. Larry Gilbert

    DA Tony Rackauckas will run for a fourth term. End of story.
    My speculation is as good as the next person.

  20. Karen

    Seems to me any of you “anonymous says” that I DO speak my mind, and I DO tell everyone my name. So any of you want to try that again? I proved you wrong once more. Plus, where in the world did I mention the Media? Just goes to show how you like to go off on other issues instead of the real ones at hand. Deal with the ones I asked you about OK? You have no Merit, or b….. with me when you go
    “Anonymous said”

    FYI: Seems to me you are the
    socialist not me. Art was more of a Republican than any of you in here. At least he uses his real name.

    Karen A Finn
    Police Officers Wife

  21. ThomasGordon


    I’ll give you one guess what the name of the Czech who ran for Mayor in Santa Ana and calls everyone a socialist made that anon comment……..


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