I wrote a post the other day about 2008 being the “Year of the Woman,” with Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton possibly leading hundreds of thousands of woman voters to the polls – benefiting other female candidates. I cited a few examples of local politicians, such as Loretta Sanchez, Michele Martinez and Claudia Alvarez.
A friend of mine called me today to remind me that I forgot to mention Janet Nguyen. If she defeats Trung Nguyen for the 1st Supervisorial District, she will be up for reelection in two years. If she fails to beat him, she can always run against Loretta Sanchez.
Janet’s former ally, Assemblyman Van Tran, will himself be running for reelection in two years, to the 68th Assembly District. If the Democrats were smart they would run Garden Grove School Board Member Kim Oahn Nguyen-Lam against Tran. That would highlight the fact that O.C. Vietnamese are not as Republican as some like to think. I have also postulated that a white Democrat could take out Tran, under the right circumstances.
At any rate, Tran will work his Vietnamese machine and inadvertently that will help Janet, as Tran’s Assembly District overlaps the 47th Congressional District. You know he will hate that!
While the Trung Nguyen faction is running around trying to discredit Janet, they face two problems. One, even if he wins, he is badly tarnished from his virulently anti-Latino mailers. Janet has issues with that as well, but the Trung mailer that depicted him on the border with Mexico was highly offensive – and will be making a return engagement in Latino mail boxes when 2008 rolls around.
Trung’s second problem is that if he loses to Janet, he will have a hard time finding something to run for in 2008. Janet will have had two years to develop roots throughout the 1st District, and the Republican Party will likely, reluctantly, have to get with the program and back her – or else risk losing the seat to a Latino Democrat in 2008. Maybe he can move to the 69th Assembly District and take on Democrat Assemblyman Jose Solorio? Solorio is not the toughest guy around, but I am sure he would love to take on the anti-immigrant Trung.
In related news, Janet has announced a toll free hotline for those who want to report voter fraud in the Supervisorial Election.
I think it would be political suicide if Janet decided to run against Loretta in 2008. She needs a little more time and experience on the BOS, to be considered a heavy hitter like Loretta.
If she wanted to run against someone, the only person should would have some chance at beating could be Solorio, and thats if he does not become pretty popular in the coming months.
You should not take Art seriously!
These are his trial balloons see if they fly and if they do — is he gone get noticed by Janet or who ever is a subject of his fantasy.
One inexperienced council member already felt for his trick and appointed him to the commission.
I have noticed same in 2004 with Judge Gray and others.
Art is just sticking his wet finger in the air.
Did not Loretta lose an Anaheim council race and had no elected office experience under her belt when she kicked B-1’s butt out of office?
2008 may be very interesting indeed.
Janet may have no choice. Her council seat is up in two years. Van Tran and his henchmen will attack her without mercy.
That is the scenario of course if she fails to beat Trung, in which case running for Congress would be a smart idea. Plus it would punk Van Tran – we all know he has lusted for Loretta’s congressional seat for years.
If Janet beats Trung, then she stays on the BOS – and Tran himself may take a whack at Loretta…allowing Trung to run for the 68th AD.
What do you see as Carlos Bustmonte’s political future? Do you think he can get re-elected to the council? If he does, what will he run for next? Do you think this BOS loss coming in a distant 4th after spending over $300,000 PLUS I.E.’s and with the help of the Hispanica 100, Calilfornia Assembly, several wacky Right Wing groups, was a political body blow?
As it is well know that Loretta is not currently residing in my top ten list of favorite political personalities, I have to say that it is ridiculous fantasy that Janet Nguyen could best Loretta in a Congressional election. Simply put, Loretta is in the 47th to stay until she decides otherwise.
See you all in 2008! Does anyone know if Tom Umberg is renting out his Santa Ana apartment?
Are you going somehwre Quang? It sounds like you are off on a long voyage, not to retun till 2008. Or was that a Quazi- announcement for your run at an office here in OC?
Art is drinking some really powerful KoolAid
I think Carlos could beat Lorretta in two years if he wants to.
Janet against Loretta now? Why not Janet for President in 08, or how about Janet for State Senate (pick a district) or how about Janet for Governor after Arnold is done? Let her get through this one first…
Janet Fan Says…
Thats too much. If she loses..and that is a big if….she should focus on her re-election.
How about Janet Art’s new platonic love?
Michele is old news since he became the commissioner.
When Janet loses … and that is a big WHEN … she better focus on her reelection because she is in trouble.
Poster 15,
My point exactly – why bother running for a council seat when surely Van Tran is going to run someone against her? Better to run for Loretta’s congressional seat. She will be the consensus GOP pick, and will prosper from voter outreach conducted by Tran and Trung. And, as I noted, she will get back at Tran by running for the seat he always wanted.
“Better to run for Loretta’s congressional seat.” said Art:
The kiss-up!
Some may think this a dumb question, but I honestly do not know – what does Janet Nguyen do for a living?
Janet is married, her current job is a wife.
The same job Loretta had when she kicked B-1’s butt.
The “full weight” of the Republican party will only go into a congressoinal race that they have a chance of winning.
After last year’s losses, there will be fewer districts in play because top priority will be regaining the seats lost.
Protecting Doolittle (he won by only 3 or 4 %) and recovering Pomobo’s seat will be the money seats in ’08.
No Republican stands a chance in hell at beating Loretta.
Now, when a Dem gets elected president and Snachez gets an undersecretary appointment, it will be in play.
Janet’s only shot at staying in elected office is to run for reelection and that itself is going to be a long shot.
Poster 20,
I heard today that the GOP registration in Loretta’s district is up to 37%, with the Dems at 42%, and the DTS voters at 16%. I guess the remainder belong to third parties. This seat is absolutely winnable for the GOP – and Janet would be a nightmare for Loretta.
Janet can run. But it’s unlikely she’ll win. The bulk of the Vietnamese population in OC is split between the Sanchez, Royce, and Rohrabacher districts.
No need to worry about Janet’s work. Janet is doing fine with her business